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Eclipse warning: "problems during content assist"



Every time I start Eclipse and press Ctrl + Space I get the following 3 warning popups.


They are only appearing the first time I press Ctrl + Space. I get these warnings since i reinstalled the jdk.

I already tried to re-install eclipse, but as soon as I import my old projects the warnings seems to reappear. I currently have the following java versions installed:

JVE 7_u7 32bit;  
JVE 7_u7 64bit;  
JDK 7_u7 64bit;  
JDK 7_u7 32bit.

I added all of them in the PATH variable in the same order as listed above. I also have eclipse set to use the JDK 7_u7 64bit (btw I'm using eclipse 64bit).

I hope somebody knows a solution for my problem and excuse me for my bad english, I am not an native English speaker. ;)

like image 976
Marco- Avatar asked Oct 13 '12 09:10


2 Answers

You can resolve this issue by turning off Subwords-Completion in: Window > Preferences > Code Recommenders > Completions: ==> incheck(Subwords-Completion)

enter image description here

like image 98
mkebri Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 21:10


I got the similar type of warning is eclipse spring tool suite(sts) .I unchecked CodeRecommendors Proposals(addons) which is present 2 times in the above list and below list and it worked.To do it go to window-->preferences-->java-->editor-->Content Assist-->advanced.see the screenshot.enter image description here

like image 31
rajeev pani.. Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10

rajeev pani..