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Eclipse shows error when there are none

My eclipse project suddenly shows the red cross(for error) , but when I expand the project, the red crosses are not visible anywhere.

I have tried building , cleaning, rebuilding, etc, and all that does not seem to work

There is another weird thing that is happening now. When I choose to build automatically, It shows 'building workspace' on an on(in an endless loop.

I am using eclipse Luna, on windows 7.

Is it possible that its a git problem ?

Under problems, I get the error: "The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library 'C:\myproject\bin\myproject.jar'

like image 914
harveyslash Avatar asked Sep 03 '14 04:09


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1 Answers

As mentioned before- usually if you're working on multiple projects at the same time the compiler has to have one of them being the "focused" project. This can be messed up when you have multiple projects opened at the same time.

If you have honestly done "File -> Refresh" and "Project -> Clean" then i recommend closing each project- hover over each project file, right click, "close project" and then restart eclipse.

If this does not work then i would love to see the actual source code- mostly because if the compiler will not run then it may be a workspace placement issue your actual libraries.

Just let me know if this is helpful or not. Good luck!

like image 52
KangarooRIOT Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
