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Eclipse: one PhoneGap project for iPhone and Android?

I'm trying out PhoneGap, so I followed the instructions to create an Android Project in Eclipse.

But now I'm wondering how I can use this same code for building an iPhone app.

Is there something like a hybrid project in Eclipse!?

UPDATE: I realize now that it's not possible to use PhoneGap on Windows to develop iPhone apps? That's too bad... is there any way to use PhoneGap on Windows to compile for iOS ??

like image 598
Dylan Avatar asked Jul 07 '11 19:07


1 Answers

In theory PhoneGap build should allow iPhone development on Windows.

However Nitobi was bought out by Adobe (PhoneGap:Build service may have changed), and you may still need iOS to upload your app (might be able to get around with a jailbroken iOS?!).

A dodgy solution could be to install OSX in a vbox virtual machine :)

like image 158
robocat Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
