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Eclipse keyboard shortcuts broken in OSX 10.5.6


People also ask

Why shortcut Keys are not working in Eclipse?

My problem was solved when I restored defaults values of my Keys. Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys. Then, click Restore Defaults button at the bottom, and restart Eclipse.

How do I enable keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse?

Display and Edit the Current Keyboard Shortcuts To see the current key configuration and its keyboard shortcuts, choose the Eclipse > Preferences menu command to open the Eclipse workbench Preferences. Select the General > Editor > Keys page.

What is the shortcut for run in Eclipse Mac?

That way you can simply press command + f11 to run your eclipse program and you can use fn key + f11 to lower the volume.

How do I add a keyboard shortcut in Eclipse?

The main preference page can be found under Window > Preferences > General > Keys (or faster: Press Ctrl+3, type Keys and press Enter). From here you can see all commands and assign/change their associated keyboard shortcuts.

So I have been using Leopard for a year now, and the lastest update broke the keyboard mapping for eclipse. I use the dvorak layout, and now in eclipse if I press the ⌘ and the b key it does a build, instead of a cut(b = x).

Does anyone else have this issue, and are there any workarounds?

EDIT: The best current workaround is to upgrade to 10.5.7.