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Eclipse, JAR Export is packaging svn files





How can I stop this from happening, it is grabbing files in .svn folders when I create jars. The .svn folder is unchecked in the prompt.

like image 510
Zombies Avatar asked Mar 20 '10 21:03


1 Answers

Can you try (after this blog entry)

Window -> Preferences, Java -> Compiler -> Building.  
Under Output folder add “, `.svn/` to Filtered Resources (so that you get `*.launch, .svn/`”).

The problem could come from the fact a Jar exporter includes the option:

"export generated class files and resources"

alt text

If you filter out those "resources" (the .svn folders), chances are they won't be included in the final Jar.

like image 111
VonC Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10
