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Eclipse - how to start remote debugging without automatically rebuilding

[using Eclipse 3.6 and Preferances -> Workspace -> build automatically is disabled]

I have a project setup that includes a number of scripted steps for generating autogen code (jaxb, etc). It also automatically produces and deploys (does not start) my jars to a remote server. Unfortunatly this whole process can take upwards of 2 minutes.

Recently I've been remotely debugging one project by starting it on the remote server with a manual script that enables remote debugging then attaching to the remote debugging session with eclipse. My problem is that even if I have not made any source changes, eclipse performs a rebuild when I start the remote debugging session. This is really annoying. Does anyone know how to start Eclipse's remote debugging without automatically performing a rebuild?

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typhoid Avatar asked Apr 11 '11 21:04


People also ask

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On the remote computer, find and start the Remote Debugger from the Start menu. If you don't have administrative permissions on the remote computer, right-click the Remote Debugger app and select Run as administrator. Otherwise, just start it normally.

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To define a breakpoint in your source code, right-click in the left margin in the Java editor and select Toggle Breakpoint. Alternatively, you can double-click on this position. The Breakpoints view allows you to delete and deactivate Breakpoints and modify their properties.

1 Answers

You probably have figured this out, but for sake of future reference, to accomplish this:

Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching. Uncheck build(if required) before launching.

like image 71
Sanjay Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10
