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eclipse errors exist in required projects but editor shows no errors




I use eclipse to code in java. My code was running perfectly fine. Finally, i deleted some files which were not needed from my drive.

Right now, I have the source file and the compiled .class files in the correct folders. Also, although I initially had multiple .java files, I am 100% sure that the one I need is there and also that it doesn't need anything from any other thing. All the imports (i import only from standard libraries) are showing no error.

The problem is that when i make any changes in my .java file, and save it, it does get saved but when I execute the code, it runs just like the old version, i.e. the changes are not reflected in the output. Also, on clicking 'run', eclipse gives a warning that 'errors exist in required projects' although the editor shows none.

Whats going wrong ? Please help.

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Akash Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 07:10


1 Answers

Okay got it....I had added some external jars to my project. Later, when I realised that they were not needed anymore, i deleted them from my hard disk. However, the build path contained their names too among the other libraries (and displayed "missing" after that). I removed them and its working fine.

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Akash Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
