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Eclipse “Duplicate Location” while install new Sequoyah plugin?

When I am trying to install Sequoyah in Eclipse from Help -> Install New Software , either through online installation or using downloaded local site archive it gives error Duplicate Location.

Or even first time when I select the downloaded archived file it does not show the files rather check box with There are no categorized items

please help. I even tried to delete Eclipse and unpack and did all this again but same problem.

enter image description here

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Azhar Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 04:12


2 Answers

It didn't show up for me in "Preferences->Install/Update->Available Software Sites", but I was able to get it work. I could add it from there and I didn't get the error message. Then, I had to click "Disable", "Reload", "Enable", "Reload", or else it would disappear after closing the window. I'm not sure if all those clicks were strictly necessary, but it worked!

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wolfmanstout Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 17:12


I run into this fairly often when installing new versions of eclipse and not being able to use update sites that I added in the old version.

Try this:

  • Preferences->Install/Update->Available Software Sites (or control-3 and type "sites")
  • look at the list of disabled sites (filter text is helpful to search them) and see if the one you want to use is listed as disabled
    • enabling it will make it show up in the Install New Software drop down

Some more info here: http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/20746/ and https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=238619

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Stan Kurdziel Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 18:12

Stan Kurdziel