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Eclipse doesn't see my Android device

I just installed the Android SDK and Eclipse and then tried to launch an app from Eclipse on my real android tablet.

Clicking the "run-as" symbol in the toolbar shows "none applicable" so i used the context menu of the project file. Here i can choose "android Application" but in the opening window my device doesnt show up.

I enabled the developer mode and USB debugging and Windows installed some drivers automatically. I also tried installing the USB driver from Acers homepage manually. After connecting, the tablet shows the "USB debugging connected" in the pull down menu. The file system can be accessed trough windows explorer, so i build the app manually and was able to copy it through windows explorer onto the tablet and then run it through androids file manager.

What can i try to get this essential feature working? Thanks for all answers!

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einUsername Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 17:12


1 Answers

1) Connect your phone with your computer (Easy)

2) Enable USB debugging How to do it

3) Watch this video so as to Install the correct drivers on your computer How to do it

Hope that helps!!

like image 94
noobProgrammer Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 15:01
