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eclipse debugging keys not working

I'm debugging my C++ project with eclipse Indigo cdt- and for some reason that F* keys stopped working when i'm debugging . ( F8, F6, etc... that allow me to move to next line, etc. )

Anyone have any idea? thanks.

like image 498
dan12345 Avatar asked Jan 10 '12 14:01


People also ask

Why Eclipse shortcuts are not working?

My problem was solved when I restored defaults values of my Keys. Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys. Then, click Restore Defaults button at the bottom, and restart Eclipse.

How do I enable function Keys in Eclipse?

The main preference page can be found under Window > Preferences > General > Keys (or faster: Press Ctrl+3, type Keys and press Enter). From here you can see all commands and assign/change their associated keyboard shortcuts.

1 Answers

I have no idea how I made the keys disappear in the first place, but what fixed it was to reset the debug perspective (You can do this from Window->Reset Perspective or right clicking on the Debug Perspective button from the top right panel and then choosing reset).

Afterward restart eclipse.

Hope this helps.

like image 134
amazia Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 18:11
