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eclipse creating user library using variable to specify jars path




Is there a way to create user library in eclipse using class path variable to add relative path jars to the library

like image 758
john miran Avatar asked Aug 18 '13 22:08

john miran

People also ask

How do I add a jar file to a Lib folder?

After you create a Java project, create a new folder by going to File > New > Folder. Call it “lib”. Then import the JAR file into the lib folder by going to File > Import > General > File. Alternatively, you could just copy the JAR file manually into that folder by navigating to it in your workspace.

Why can't I add external JARs in Eclipse?

Try to go Window > Preferences > Java > User Libraries and add new user library that point mysql connector. And then use this library to your project. But don't forget to delete your old mysql connector jar in your lib folder. Try this way.

1 Answers

It's easy. Don't use User Libraries. Instead, use Variables. Example from my workspace:

Open image in a new tab to see full size

Open image in a new tab to see full size

Further reference: Here and there

like image 155
Georgian Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10
