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Eclipse console doesn't show the whole output


In Java I tried to write a String as an output to the console. The length of the String is 20166 characters. After printing the string to the console only second half of the String appears.

The whole string is one long line:

What it looks like: From the beginning there is a lot of whitespaces (which are supposed to be alphanumeric characters) and after that there is the rest of the string displayed properly.

I tried to change console encoding from default to UTF-16 and UTF-8, but it didn't help.

The String I am trying to output is text content crawled from a specific webpage (http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Getting_Started_with_jQuery). If I crawl a different webpage there is no problem.

How I process the string: I use a webservice to get the text content from the webpage. The returned String (text contet) is printed properly (whole). I need to process this string so I change all characters to lowercase and replace all multiple whitespaces with the single one.

textContent.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s+", " "); 

After lowercasing the characters I am still able to print whole string properly, but after replacing the multiple whitespaces with one, the beginning of string is not visible.

Do you have any idea what the problem is?

Thakns in advance for any help.

like image 808
mimo Avatar asked Feb 16 '12 14:02


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2 Answers

This is no bug. It is 1 of the changeable settings that Eclipse includes to make the output more readable.

It can be changed by going to Windows --> Preferences --> Run/Debug --> Console and then unchecking "Limit Console Output" which is ON by default.

For more information and details about these settings visit: http://help.eclipse.org/juno/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.jdt.doc.user%2Freference%2Fpreferences%2Frun-debug%2Fref-console.htm

This works on STS any version too. This would help printing complete console output.

like image 117
Menezes Sousa Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

Menezes Sousa

What are the preferences for the console? Especially check the settings "Fixed width console" plus "Limit console output". Maybe your console simply can't hold that many characters in one line.

In Eclipse if you go to preference and in the drop-down, you can see RUN/DEBUG option if you click on that RUN/DEBUG drop-down you can see the console button and there you can adjust the "Fixed width console" plus "Limit console output"

[EDIT] Now Eclipse eventually has to cut the data in the console since it doesn't have infinite amounts of memory. If the console is still cut off, you can use this trick: Open the "Run Configurations" dialog (Found in the drop down menu for the green "run" button).

The tab "Common" tab has options in the "Standard Input and Output" group at the bottom to save a copy of all output in a file. You can then use your OSs tools to examine this file.

Also note that very long lines can make Eclipse slow (i.e. it can hang for a couple of seconds). This is due to a bug in the regexp matching patterns for Exception stack traces. If that happens, limit the line length to 1000 characters or less.

This is especially a problem with Spring which sometimes creates exceptions that have 50'000 characters in the message.

If you have a similar problem with the CDT Global Build Console, see here: Eclipse CDT Build Console output not displaying entire compiler output

like image 40
Aaron Digulla Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11

Aaron Digulla