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Eclipse CDT cannot debug using gdb on Mac

I have a C++ project imported to Eclipse CDT. I can build and run the project using Makefile and argument settings. However, when I tried to add a debug point and run "debug as local c/c++ application", it throws me an error of "Launching projectName" has encountered a problem. Error with command gdb --version By expanding the Details, it gives: Error with command: gdb --version Cannot run program "gdb": Unknown reason

I installed the gdb by Macports before. If I enter command ggdb it returns the version info. If I type which ggdb, it gives /opt/local/bin/ggdb. I tried to add "PATH" to debug configuration -> environment variables and give the path value to it, but it did not work. How should I set the path and link the path please? And what should the variable name be.

The gdb version on my machine is GNU gdb (GDB) 7.7.1

Added: I looked up which ggdb and used the link James provided to change gdb debugger to browse to that path. But it did not work still. enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here Thanks.

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user2751691 Avatar asked Feb 06 '15 01:02


People also ask

How do I get GDB to work on my Mac?

As with GCC, the easiest way to install GDB is through Homebrew. In a Terminal window, run the command brew install gdb , and wait for it to complete. (As usual, it may ask for your password.) Now, we need to code-sign the GDB executable, so it will be allowed to control other processes, as necessary for a debugger.

Does GDB work on Mac?

I just installed it (gdb 8.0) following this procedure as of today, it works on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13. 2 (17C88). For the latest version "brew install gdb" is fine. However, the steps above will allow you to install older versions which is handy.

Do you have to install GDB on Mac?

If you don't already have gdb on your system, then you'll need to install it. I'm going to show you how to install gdb by using Homebrew. If you have gdb on your system already, you can skip to the Generate a certificate step. If you received an error, then you'll need to install gdb using Homebrew.

Where is GDB path Mac?

If you have installed gdb as explained before (using Homebrew), the path should be: /usr/local/Cellar/gdb/version/bin/gdb (replace version with the actual version of your gdb installation, e.g. /usr/local/Cellar/gdb/8.3/bin/gdb).

1 Answers

It looks like Eclipse is using the default gdb that was on the system before you installed ggdb from macports. This link shows how to change the debugger settings, change it to ggdb which is the name Macport uses.

After installing ggdb from Macports you will have to sign it with a certificate so it will be allowed to control other processes, take a look at "Certifying GDB" here. After creating the certificate, make sure you select the correct name when signing:

$ codesign -s gdb-cert $(which ggdb) /// 'ggdb'
like image 181
James Moore Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

James Moore