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Eclipse breaks on processWorkerExit

After serving a few requests my eclipse has started breaking on processWorkerExit() method.

As per this link I know how to suppress the breaking of eclipse but is there any reason why the code is breaking on this line. Can there be a memory leak in such a case?

Tomcat 7.0.27
Eclipse 3.7.2
JDK 7.0.02

enter image description here

like image 889
dvl Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 19:04


1 Answers

Answer is here: OpenJDK breaks on processWorkerExit with no breakpoint

In debug mode in eclipse by default, break on uncaught exceptions is checked. Since you don't have a catch method here, it's likely that an uncaught exception is being thrown and the debugger is breaking for you immediately before the exception is thrown. You can turn it off in preferences under Java->Debug.

like image 191
capitano666 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 17:10
