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Echo state network?

I've heard from a couple of people recently that echo state networks are good for time series modeling. So I figure it's worth a try.


It's a type of recurrent network where only the weights in the output layer are learned, and the other weights are randomized.

To what extent are their libraries/package in R that could be used to create an echo state network?

(Note: there is this question: Neural net package in R , which is possibly related, but it asks for 'recursive' networks, whereas I'm looking for 'recurrent' or 'echo state' networks).

like image 858
Hugh Perkins Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 06:10

Hugh Perkins

People also ask

What is echo state network used for?

So, the aim of Echo State Networks is to drive a big, random, fixed RNN with the input signal, thus inducing a nonlinear response signal in every neuron in the reservoir and connect it to a desired output signal using a trainable linear combination of all of the response signals.

What is Echo state property?

A key requisite for output-only training is the echo state property (ESP), which means that the effect of initial conditions should vanish as time passes.

What is ESN machine learning?

An echo state network (ESN) is a type of reservoir computer that uses a recurrent neural network with a sparsely connected hidden layer (with typically 1% connectivity). The connectivity and weights of hidden neurons are fixed and randomly assigned.

2 Answers

I know the question is old, but this might be useful nonetheless, maybe to other people.

Here you can find a working demo source code of a minimalistic Echo State Network in R. It's not a full-fledged library, but I hope is easy to understand and adapt to your application.

# A minimalistic Echo State Networks demo with Mackey-Glass (delay 17) data 
# in "plain" R.
# by Mantas Lukosevicius 2012
# http://minds.jacobs-university.de/mantas

# load the data
trainLen = 2000
testLen = 2000
initLen = 100

data = as.matrix(read.table('MackeyGlass_t17.txt'))

# plot some of it
while( dev.cur() != 1 ) dev.off() # close all previous plots
title(main='A sample of data')

# generate the ESN reservoir
inSize = outSize = 1
resSize = 1000
a = 0.3 # leaking rate

Win = matrix(runif(resSize*(1+inSize),-0.5,0.5),resSize)
W = matrix(runif(resSize*resSize,-0.5,0.5),resSize)
# Option 1 - direct scaling (quick&dirty, reservoir-specific):
#W = W * 0.135 
# Option 2 - normalizing and setting spectral radius (correct, slow):
cat('Computing spectral radius...')
rhoW = abs(eigen(W,only.values=TRUE)$values[1])
W = W * 1.25 / rhoW

# allocated memory for the design (collected states) matrix
X = matrix(0,1+inSize+resSize,trainLen-initLen)
# set the corresponding target matrix directly
Yt = matrix(data[(initLen+2):(trainLen+1)],1)

# run the reservoir with the data and collect X
x = rep(0,resSize)
for (t in 1:trainLen){
    u = data[t]
    x = (1-a)*x + a*tanh( Win %*% rbind(1,u) + W %*% x )
    if (t > initLen)
        X[,t-initLen] = rbind(1,u,x)

# train the output
reg = 1e-8  # regularization coefficient
X_T = t(X)
Wout = Yt %*% X_T %*% solve( X %*% X_T + reg*diag(1+inSize+resSize) )

# run the trained ESN in a generative mode. no need to initialize here, 
# because x is initialized with training data and we continue from there.
Y = matrix(0,outSize,testLen)
u = data[trainLen+1]
for (t in 1:testLen){
    x = (1-a)*x + a*tanh( Win %*% rbind(1,u) + W %*% x )
    y = Wout %*% rbind(1,u,x)
    Y[,t] = y
    # generative mode:
    u = y
    ## this would be a predictive mode:
    #u = data[trainLen+t+1] 

# compute MSE for the first errorLen time steps
errorLen = 500
mse = ( sum( (data[(trainLen+2):(trainLen+errorLen+1)] - Y[1,1:errorLen])^2 )
    / errorLen )
print( paste( 'MSE = ', mse ) )

# plot some signals
plot( data[(trainLen+1):(trainLen+testLen+1)], type='l', col='green' )
lines( c(Y), col='blue' )
title(main=expression(paste('Target and generated signals ', bold(y)(italic(n)), 
    ' starting at ', italic(n)==0 )))
legend('bottomleft',legend=c('Target signal', 'Free-running predicted signal'), 
    col=c('green','blue'), lty=1, bty='n' )

matplot( t(X[(1:20),(1:200)]), type='l' )
title(main=expression(paste('Some reservoir activations ', bold(x)(italic(n)))))

barplot( Wout )
title(main=expression(paste('Output weights ', bold(W)^{out})))
like image 188
Mantas Lukoševičius Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Mantas Lukoševičius

Granted that this does not answer to your question about R, I'm almost sure you could be able to implement an ESN easily by yourself (unless you need the more advanced/esoteric features).

Have a look at the definition of the ESN made by Jaeger: all you need are equations (1) and (2) for the internal state and the output, plus equation (3) or (4) for the learning. The implementation is quite straightforward and you'll be fine with nothing more than matrix multiplication, norm and pseudoinverse.

P.S. Actually "recurrent" and "recursive" neural networks are not very different things. The term "recursive" is often - but not always - referred to those neural networks that deal with graphs while the "recurrent" networks handle sequences/time series (which are a special case of graphs). Both "recurrent" and "recursive" networks have cycles in their hidden layers, so their internal status it's recursively defined. A part from the linguistic mess, the point is that you can try to use the existing libraries and adapt them to your needs.

like image 37
Armadiotti Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
