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Easiest way to write and read an XML

I'd like to know what is the easiest way to write to and parse a XML file in Android.

My requirement is very simple. A sample file would be something like:

<Item ID="1" price="$100" Qty="20" />

And I only want to retrieve an item by the ID and read price and Qty.

I was referring to Using XmlResourceParser to Parse Custom Compiled XML, but wondering if there is a much lightweight way to do something trivial as this (still using tags).

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madu Avatar asked Nov 23 '11 10:11


People also ask

How do you read and write an XML document?

We must have followed the process to read an XML file in Java: Instantiate XML file: DOM parser loads the XML file into memory and consider every tag as an element. Get root node: Document class provides the getDocumentElement() method to get the root node and the element of the XML file.

How do I view an XML file nicely?

You can view XML files in different ways including using a text editor, like Notepad or TextEdit, a web browser like Safari, Chrome, or Firefox, or an XML viewer. Open your text editor or XML viewer, then open your XML to view it. Drag and drop the XML file to your web browser to view it.

1 Answers

If it's really that simple, you can just write it with printf() or similar.

For parsing, you're best off using a real XML parser (perhaps the SimpleXML that @netpork suggested). But for something truly this trivial, you could just use regexes -- here's my usual set, from which you'd need mainly 'attrlist' and 'stag' (for attribute list and start-tag).

xname      = "([_\\w][-_:.\\w\\d]*)";         # XML NAME (imperfect charset)
xnmtoken   = "([-_:.\\w\\d]+)";               #
xncname    = "([_\\w][-_.\\w\\d]*)";          #
qlit       = '("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')';          # Includes the quotes
attr       = "$xname\\s*=\\s*$qlit";          # Captures name and value
attrlist   = "(\\s+$attr)*";                  #
startTag   = "<$xname$attrlist\\s*/?>";       #
endTag     = "</$xname\\s*>";                 #
comment    = "(<!--[^-]*(-[^-]+)*-->)";       # Includes delims
pi         = "(<\?$xname.*?\?>)";             # Processing instruction
dcl        = "(<!$xname\\s+[^>]+>)";          # Markup dcl (imperfect)
cdataStart = "(<!\[CDATA\[)";                 # Marked section open
cdataEnd   = "(]]>)";                         # Marked section close
charRef    = "&(#\\d+|#[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+);";   # Num char ref (no delims)
entRef     = "&$xname;";                      # Named entity ref
pentRef    = "%$xname;";                      # Parameter entity ref
xtext      = "[^<&]*";                        # Neglects ']]>'
xdocument  = "^($startTag|$endTag|$pi|$comment|$entRef|$xtext)+\$";

A draft of the XML spec even included a "trivial" grammar for XML, that can find node boundaries correctly, but not catch all errors, expanding entity references, etc. See https://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-lang-970630#secF.

The main drawback is that if you run into fancier data later, it may break. For example, someone might send you data with a comment in there, or a syntax error, or an unquoted attribute, or using &quo;, or whatever.

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TextGeek Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 10:10
