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Easiest way to rearrange methods in Eclipse




I am trying to keep functions related to each other close together. What would be the easiest way to rearrange methods within a class in Eclipse?

ALT+UP / ALT+DOWN works for code within methods, but moving the whole function around is a bit hard since it does not respect function boundaries.

Copy/Paste works, but I was hoping for something more elegant.

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Timur Fanshteyn Avatar asked Sep 02 '10 15:09

Timur Fanshteyn

2 Answers

In the outline view you can rearrange methods with the mouse.

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muksie Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09


In the outline view you can drag and drop methods - you may need to unselect the alphabetic sort option.

Personally, I would not spend too much effort on re-ordering methods. I'd hope that your classes are small enough that it doesn't matter too much, and the outline view helps navigation too.

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djna Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
