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Easiest javascript library for making custom tabs?

I am interested in making a tabbed display on a web page I am working on. I need to apply my own styles, so I would like to find a javascript library that provides very little styling out of the box and makes customization as easy as possible.

Features I would like:

  • Specify the Image used for the tab.
  • Tabs can re-size to fix the text inside of them.
  • Relatively easy to apply my own styles.

I looked at jQuery UI Tabs but it does not seem like it would be too easy to apply my own styles if I don't use their tools to do it.

I also looked at jQuery Tools, which seemed a little easier to customize, but appears to require that you use fixed length images for the tabs.

Can anyone recommend a good js library for creating customized tabbed navigation? Am I just making customization of the two libraries mentioned above harder than it needs to be?

like image 481
Abe Miessler Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 19:08

Abe Miessler

People also ask

How to add a tab in JavaScript?

Tabs can be added dynamically by passing array of items and index value to the addTab method. // New tab title and content inputs are fetched and stored in local variable let title: string = document. getElementById('tab-title').

What is JavaScript Library example?

Popular JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, MooTools, Prototype, Dojo and YUI can be great for accomplishing common JavaScript tasks. These libraries provide many functions, whether the matter is related to events or effects or AJAX.

2 Answers

This is a super easy walk-through to create custom tabs using jQuery, I followed it once and haven't used any other tabs since:

Custom jQuery Tabs | Soh Tanaka

I know it can be tempting to often use libraries for something like this, but it is very straightforward and you'll know all about how they work, which will allow you customize them far easier than nearly other plug-ins.

like image 190
Rion Williams Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10

Rion Williams

With jQuery-UI you can easily change the styles with css, you do not need any fancy tools ^_^

like image 40
Naftali Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
