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Easier way to get view's Id (string) by its Id (int)



I'm new with android and java, so sorry if it's a too basic question but I've tried to find a solution in the forums and google and I couldn't.

I have 24 buttons in my layout, all these buttons do something similar so I want to create a generic function. But first I need to know the name (xml id) of he button.

This the XML code of the button:

  <Button       android:id="@+id/add_04"       android:layout_width="42dp"       android:layout_height="wrap_content"       android:layout_gravity="center"       android:layout_marginLeft="15dp"       android:background="@xml/zbuttonshape"       android:onClick="onClick"       android:text="@string/mas" /> 

I set android:onClick="onClick" for all the buttons.

In my activity I've create a new function onClick:

This the code I've tried:

public void onClick(View v) {         String name = v.getContext().getString(v.getId());         String name2 = context.getString(v.getId());         String name3 = getString(v.getId());         String name4 = getResources().getString(v.getId());  } 

But when I try to get the name (in this case "add_04") I always get "false".

Finally I've found a solution with the following code:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;  String name5 = null; Field[] campos = R.id.class.getFields(); for(Field f:campos){      try{         if(v.getId()==f.getInt(null)){             name5 = f.getName();             break;         }        }        catch(Exception e){         e.printStackTrace();     } } 

My question is if Is not there an easier way to get this ID?

Thanks in advance.

like image 967
Richal Avatar asked Feb 01 '13 13:02


People also ask

How do I find view by ID?

The Android SDK provided a method: findViewById() . Functionality-wise, this method performs a singular task — it will give you the reference to the view in XML layouts by searching its ID. And if nothing is found, it will give you the good old NULL , which is said to be the 1-billion dollar mistake by its creator.

What is a string ID?

String ID (SID) is a tool that converts strings into fix-sized hashed values, commonly used in games for looking up resources. The hash function is chosen to support string concatenation.

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You can create a TextView instance either by declaring it inside a layout XML file or by instantiating it programmatically.

1 Answers

like this:

/**  * @return "[package]:id/[xml-id]"  * where [package] is your package and [xml-id] is id of view  * or "no-id" if there is no id  */ public static String getId(View view) {     if (view.getId() == View.NO_ID) return "no-id";     else return view.getResources().getResourceName(view.getId()); } 

I use this in view constructors to make more meaningful TAGs

like image 97
gadget Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09
