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Dynamically Include JavaScript and Wait

What I'm trying to do is dynamically include one or more js files from within Javascript. I know there are a bunch of techniques for this, but I'm looking for a solution that follows these rules:

1) Not use any JS frameworks or libraries (jQuery, Prototype, etc).

2) The script should halt execution until the external js file is completely loaded and parsed by the browser.

The rational behind #2 is the external js file will include function definitions that need to be used immediately after the script is included. Most of the time the browser hasn't had time to parse the js file before I start calling those functions.

I don't mind using a callback to know when the script is finished loading, but:

1) I don't know ahead of time how many scripts are going to be dynamically included, so I don't want and can't write a bunch of nested callbacks. I just need to know when they're all finished loading.

2) I'm wording that trying to use some kind of "load" event to fire the callback might not work if the browser has cached the JavaScript.

Edit I should have mentioned from the start that this is for a plugin system, but I wanted to keep my question/answer generic enough to be helpful to other people.

Users would define which plugins they want to load in an array.

plugins = [ 'FooPlugin', 'BarPlugin' ];

I would then loop through the array, and load the js script for each plugin:

for(var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
    loadScript('plugins/' + plugins[i] + '.js');

Each plugin pushes itself onto the loaded_plugins array (This is an example of FooPlugin.js)

    name: 'FooPlugin',
    // Other plugin methods and properties here
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mellowsoon Avatar asked Oct 17 '10 23:10


2 Answers

Works cross browser, starting with IE6.

document.loadScript = function (src, callback) {
    function script(src, onload) {
        var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
        if (onload) scriptTag.onload = onload;
        scriptTag.src = src;
        scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript';
        return scriptTag;
    function outer(tag) { 
        var d = document.createElement('div');
        return d.innerHTML;
    if (!(src instanceof Array)) src = [src];
    var i, scr, 
        callbackId = 'dynCall_'+Math.floor(Math.random()*89999+10000);
        counter = src.length, 
        call = function () { if (--counter == 0) callback(); };
    if (!document.body) {
        window[callbackId] = function () {
            delete window[callbackId];
            if (callback instanceof Function) callback();
        for (i=0; i<src.length; i++) document.write(outer(script(src[i])));
        document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript">'+'window.'+callbackId+'();'+'</scr'+'ipt>');
    for (i=0; i<src.length; i++) document.body.appendChild(script(src[i], call));

Minified / obfuscated:

(function(){document.loadScript=function(src,callback){function script(src,onload){var scriptTag=document.createElement('script');if(onload)scriptTag.onload=onload;scriptTag.src=src;scriptTag.type='text/javascript';return scriptTag}function outer(tag){var d=document.createElement('div');d.appendChild(tag);return d.innerHTML}if(!(src instanceof Array))src=[src];var i,scr,callbackId='dynCall_'+Math.floor(Math.random()*89999+10000);counter=src.length,call=function(){if(--counter==0)callback()};if(!document.body){window[callbackId]=function(){delete window[callbackId];if(callback instanceof Function)callback()};for(i=0;i<src.length;i++)document.write(outer(script(src[i])));document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript">'+'window.'+callbackId+'();'+'</scr'+'ipt>');return}for(i=0;i<src.length;i++)document.body.appendChild(script(src[i],call))};document.loadScript.toString=function(){return'function loadScript() { [obfuscated] }'}})();

Quick explanation of the branches:

If the script tag calling loadScript is within the document head or body, document.body will be undefined, as the DOM isn't in yet. As such, we can't use the standards method of appending a tag, and we must use doc write. This has the advantage that the tags we write will happen in necessarily sequential order, but the disadvantage that we must have a global scope callback function.

Meanwhile, if we have document.body, we're golden for Doing It Right (-ish - we make sacrifices when there's no libraries around to help do it right-er, hence the .onload(). Still, it's not like we're about to throw lots of events on a script tag, so it'll probably be OK.) The disadvantage (maybe?) is that the scripts all load asynchronously, so we need to have a countdown run as they load.

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Fordi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


The easiest (and most reliable) solution I know is to simply use document.write to insert a new script tag into the document (or as many as you need, of course):

<script type="text/javascript">document.write('<' + 'script src="/assets/js/file.js" type="text/javascript"><\/script>');</script>

Browsers will (afaik) parse & execute scripts in the order specified in your document by the script tags, also when added in this way. So you should be good if you put the rest of the code you want to execute in a new, separate, script tag.

EDIT: Here's a (much) more elaborate approach , which in the basis is using "elem = document.createElement('script')", followed by listening to elem.onreadystatechange (for IE) and elem.onload. Will load a whole batch of scripts in parallel, then fire a callback when they're all there. Have used this in the past, when browsers were still mostly loading scripts one at a time to speed up the loading (it's based on a script with similar purposes somewhere out there). Usage example:

Loader.script( [
  ], { complete: function() {
    // do your thing
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Paul Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
