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Dynamically enable or disable RequiredFieldValidator based on value of DropDownList

I have an ASP.NET form with three text inputs, one each for "Work Phone", "Home Phone" and "Cell Phone". Each of these text inputs has a RequiredFieldValidator associated with it. I also have a DropDownList where the user can select the preferred phone type.

I want to only require the field that is selected in the DropDownList. For example, if the user selects "Work Phone" from the DropDownList, I want to disable the RequiredFieldValidator for "Home Phone" and "Cell Phone", thereby only making the "Work Phone" field required.

I have a method that enables and disables these validators based on the value of the DropDownList, but I cannot figure out when to call it. I want this method to run before the validation takes place on the page. How would I do that?

like image 913
Jeremy Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 16:03


2 Answers

You can do this with JavaScript like this:

ValidatorEnable(RequiredFieldValidatorId, false);

Then have your drop down list use the onchange event (I'd suggest using jQuery)

$("#<%=dropDownList.ClientID %>").change(function(){
    var val = $(this).val();
    var skip = null;
    if (val == 1)
       skip = "workPhoneValidator";
    else if (val == 2)
       skip = "cellPhoneValidator";

    // by popular demand...
    var $skip = $("#" + skip)[0];

    if (skip != "workPhoneValidator") ValidatorEnable($skip, false);
    if (skip != "cellPhoneValidator") ValidatorEnable($skip, false);
like image 152
hunter Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10


Why not use a CustomValidator in this case? Turning off/on a RequiredFieldValidator could lead to a design issue in the future - I'd stick to using them on fields that are going to be required.

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Jason M Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10

Jason M