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Dynamically calling method and class name





I have some cases where I have to call method names from class names.

string scenario1 = "MockScenario1";
string scenario2 = "MockScenario2";


How can I dynamically use the strings to call method name here like


I tried to find out all options by string and control space to find related options. Any suggestions?

I am tried the below and trying to Get class name generated dynamically

The below code generated method name dynamically

string methodName = "hello";

//Get the method information using the method info class
 MethodInfo mi = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);

//Invoke the method
// (null- no parameter for the method call
// or you can pass the array of parameters...)
mi.Invoke(this, null);

More clear scenario: I am trying to send class name as parameter MockScenario1 and MockScenario2 are class names.

string scenarioCats = "MockScenario1";
string scenarioDogs = "MockScenario2";

public static void GetCatsResult(string scenarioCats){
scenarioCats obj = new scenarioCats();
public static void GetDogsResult(string scenarioDogs){
scenarioDogs obj = new scenarioDogs();
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Kurkula Avatar asked Oct 25 '16 14:10


1 Answers

How to create an instance of a type from its string representation:

string scenario1 = "TheNamespace.MockScenario1";
Type theType = this.GetType().Assembly.GetType(scenario1);
var theInstance = (MockScenario1)Activator.CreateInstance(theType);

It will be better if your classes implement a common interface, for example IGetInfoAware, and then you could write a more generic loader:

var theInstance = (IGetInfoAware)Activator.CreateInstance(theType);

Note: you need to provide the full class name for scenario1 and scenario2

See Activator.CreateInstance


As @Georg pointed out, if the type is not declared in the assembly of the context objects, then it is necessary first to get the assembly where the type is hosted:

var theAssembly = (
    from Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
    where (assembly.FullName == "TheNamespace.AssemblyName")
    select assembly

if ( theAssembly!= null ){
    Type theType = theAssembly.GetType(scenario1);
    var theInstance = (IGetInfoAware)Activator.CreateInstance(theType);

If for some reason the assembly name is unknown to you, then the type could be resolved like the following:

public Type GetTypeFromString(String typeName)
    foreach (Assembly theAssembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
        Type theType = theAssembly.GetType(typeName);
        if (theType != null)
            return theType;                    
    return null;
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E-Bat Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
