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dynamically adding/removing a div to html

I want to dynamically create a div element with id="xyz". Now before creating this, I want to remove any other div with id ="xyz" if it exists. How can i do it?

var msgContainer = document.createElement('div');
msgContainer.setAttribute('id', 'xyz');  //set id
msgContainer.setAttribute('class', 'content done'); // i want to add a class to it. it this correct?

var msg2 = document.createTextNode(msg);

How can i remove all divs with id =xyz if they exist before executing above code?

like image 843
jslearner Avatar asked Feb 11 '11 09:02


1 Answers


var div = document.getElementById('xyz');
if (div) {

Or if you don't control the document and think it may be malformed:

var div = document.getElementById('xyz');
while (div) {
    div = document.getElementById('xyz');

(Alternatives below.)

But you only need the loop with invalid HTML documents; if you control the document, there's no need, simply ensure the document is valid. id values must be unique. And yet, one sees plenty of documents where they aren't.


var msgContainer = document.createElement('div');
msgContainer.id = 'xyz';             // No setAttribute required
msgContainer.className = 'someClass' // No setAttribute required, note it's "className" to avoid conflict with JavaScript reserved word

If you don't like the code duplication in my loop above and you think you need the loop, you could do:

var div;
while (!!(div = document.getElementById('xyz'))) {


var div;
while (div = document.getElementById('xyz')) {

...although that last may well generate lint warnings from various tools, since it looks like you have = where you mean == or === (but in this case, we really do mean =).

like image 126
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10

T.J. Crowder