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Dynamically add active class to bootstrap li in Rails

in the bootstrap navigation bar. You can get the effect of a button being clicked by adding the class active . Naturally, I want to use this on my pages. For example if I'm on the about us page I want the about us button clicked.

What is the best way to go about this? I was going to go to each page and at the bottom have a jQuery function add the class active to it. Is there a better way?

like image 615
Alain Goldman Avatar asked Jul 05 '13 05:07

Alain Goldman

People also ask

How to add active class in Bootstrap?

In Bootstrap 4, Javascript or jQuery events are used to add active class on click event in custom list group. Syntax: $(document). ready(function() { $('selector').

How do I set bootstrap active class to NAV menu?

To set the active class to the navigation menu dynamically by scrolling or clicking on the navigation links, the active class is to be set on each section depending on the position of the webpage. To add methods and variables, JavaScript is used.

2 Answers

Read about current_page? here

You can add a method for handle logic with current_page?, example a method :

module ApplicationHelper   def active_class(link_path)   current_page?(link_path) ? "active" : ""  end  end 

example bootstrap navbar template

<div class="navbar">   <div class="navbar-inner">     <a class="brand" href="#">Title</a>     <ul class="nav">       <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>       <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>       <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>     </ul>   </div> </div> 

So, on view looks like


<li class="<%= active_class(some_path) %>"> <%= link_to "text of link", some_path %> </li> 


%li{:class => active_class(some_path)}   = link_to "text of link", some_path 

Or you can use request.fullpath to get current full of path if a current path have a parameter


<ul>  <% Contry.all.each do |c| %>   <li class="snavitem <%= active_class(contry_path(c)) %>">     <%= link_to "show #{c.name}", contry_path(c) %>   </li>  <% end %> </ul> 

and on your application_helper.rb

def active_class(link_path)   request.fullpath == link_path ? "active" : ""  end 

read about request.fullpath here

like image 159
rails_id Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09


in my opinion, a cleaner way to achieve that is to write a link_to_in_li method in application_helper.rb:

def link_to_in_li(body, url, html_options = {})   active = "active" if current_page?(url)   content_tag :li, class: active do     link_to body, url, html_options   end end 

then use it this way

<%= link_to_in_li "Home", root_path, id: "home_link" %> 

I find the code inside li a little difficult to read.

like image 43
Wawa Loo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Wawa Loo