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Dynamic partial arguments in AngularJS routing

I'm working with an angularjs site and have a background with working with routes in Rails and also Laravel in php. With routes in Laravel we could dynamically create a set of routes similar to:

  foreach($cities as $city):


Here we defined series of seperate routes in Laravel which technically do look the same except for the value of city and slug.

I'm finding angularJS a bit limited in defining routes in this case. Frankly am a bit lost here.


I've made some modifications here - basically I set up a service which retrieves assets from my database such as in this case a list of cities and categories. I'm trying to do this:

If {slug} is in the array of categories retrieved from my API, then use my ListController and list view but if its not then instead use my SingleVenueController and single view. Here's my code at the moment but its not working :(

  appRouteProvider.when('/:city/:slug', {
      templateUrl : function(sharedParams, $routeParams){
        t = sharedParams.getCurrentPageType($routeParams);
          return '../../app/templates/list.html';
          return '../../app/templates/single.html';

      controller  :  function(sharedParams, $routeParams){
        t = sharedParams.getCurrentPageType($routeParams);
          return 'ListsController';
          return 'SingleController';

        return sharedParams.promise;

In the above sharedParams is a service and the getCurrentPageType just checks the url slug to decide what controller to send back - but its not really working at all :(

like image 397
Ali Avatar asked Sep 27 '16 14:09


2 Answers

How about defining a single route with a paramater ? In angularjs v1.x you can defined as many routes you want with as many params xor query

.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
   .when('/city/:slug', {
    templateUrl: 'book.html',
    controller: 'BookController',
    resolve: {
     // you can also retrieve some data as a resolved promise inside your route for better performance.

ref: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngRoute/service/$route

like image 176
mxncson Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09


appRouteProvider.when('/:city/:slug', {
templateUrl : 'dafault.html',
controller  :  'DefaultController',
    factory: function($routeParams, $http, $location, sharedParams){
        var city = $routeParams.city;
        var slug = $routeParams.slug;
        var deferred = $q.defer();

        sharedParams.getCurrentPageType($routeParams).then(function(t) {
                $location.path('/' + city + '/' + slug + '/list');
            else if(t=='single'){
                $location.path('/' + city + '/' + slug + '/single');
            } else {


        return deferred.promise;

appRouteProvider.when('/:city/:slug/list', {
    templateUrl: '../../app/templates/list.html',
    controller: 'ListsController',
appRouteProvider.when('/:city/:slug/single', {
    templateUrl: '../../app/templates/single.html',
    controller: 'SingleController',

You can do it with separate routes. The idea is when user hits the main route it resolves first with the data from the backend. If the condition is met, resolve function will redirect to specific route if not it wont pass

like image 25
Kliment Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09
