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Dynamic column and values in react table



response : {initial_data: [{
 "Did I see this plant in 2016?"=>"No",
 "Did I see this plant in 2017?"=>"Yes",
 "How Many?"=>1,
 "User Data 4"=>"x",
 "User Data 5"=>nil,
 "Did I see this plant in 2022?"=>"No",
 "Name"=>"Abronia alpina"},
 {"Did I see this plant in 2016?"=>"No",
 "Did I see this plant in 2017?"=>"No",
 "How Many?"=>11,
 "User Data 4"=>"x",
 "User Data 5"=>nil,
 "Did I see this plant in 2022?"=>"Yes",
 "Name"=>"Abronia alpina1"}]

Based on above response I am executing below code to print the header and there values dynamically.

const CUSTOM_COLUMNS = (Object.keys(props.initial_data[0].map((item, index) =>
                              id: 'user_data',
                              Header: item,
                              headerClassName: 'family-header',
                              accessor: item,
                              className: 'centered capitalize',
                              show: true

const columns = [
    Header: 'Actions',
    accessor: 'id',
    show: true,
    className: 'centered',
    Cell: (props) => (
      <span className="label label-danger link" onClick={this.deletePlant.bind(this, props.value)}>
        <i className="fa fa-trash"></i> Delete

I able to correctly print the header dynamically, but my values are not coming dynamically and it's displaying my last hash key values in each column.

My header should be :

["Did I see this plant in 2016?", "Did I see this plant in 2017?", "How Many?", "User Data 4", "User Data 5", "Did I see this plant in 2022?", "Name"]

and row values should be:

Row1 : ["No", "Yes", 1, "x", "", "No", "Abronia alpina"]
Row1 : ["No", "No", 11, "x", "", "Yes", "Abronia alpina1"]

Can you please help me to get it dynamically, or let me know what I am doing wrong here. I am new in react so maybe i am missing here so please correct me.

like image 252
Vik Avatar asked Feb 12 '18 14:02


People also ask

How to get column values from header in react-table?

With React-Table you header must have a accessor and your data must be mapped with accessor as the key getColumns () { return Object. keys (data. initial_data [ 0 ]). map ( key => { return { Header: key, accessor: key }; }); } Accessors are functions that return the value to populate the row's value for the column.

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2 Answers

With React-Table you header must have a accessor and your data must be mapped with accessor as the key

You would create your columns like

  getColumns() {
    return Object.keys(data.initial_data[0]).map(key => {
      return {
        Header: key,
        accessor: key

and you Table can then look like

class App extends React.Component {
  getColumns() {
    return Object.keys(data.initial_data[0]).map(key => {
      return {
        Header: key,
        accessor: key
  render() {
    const columns = this.getColumns();
    return (
          className="-striped -highlight"
        <br />
        <Tips />
        <Logo />

According to documentation:

accessor: 'propertyName', // or Accessor eg. (row) => row.propertyName

Accessors are functions that return the value to populate the row's value for the column. This lets the render function not have to worry about accessing the correct data, the value is automatically populated in it's props.

If a string or array is passed the default accessor is used. The default accessor will parse the input into an array and recursively flatten it. Any values that contain a dot (.) will be split. Any values that contain bracket ([]) will be split. This array is then used as the path to the value to return.

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like image 23
Shubham Khatri Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Shubham Khatri

If you are using react-table, to render the table, I think your logic of creating columns is wrong. It should be something like this.

const columns = Object.keys(response.initial_data[0]).map((key, id)=>{
  return {
    Header: key,
    accessor: key

I have tried to create a snippet with your data. Let me know if this helps.

const ReactTable = window.ReactTable.default

const response = {
  initial_data: [
     "Did I see this plant in 2016?":"No",
     "Did I see this plant in 2017?":"Yes",
     "How Many?":1,
     "User Data 4":"x",
     "User Data 5":"",
     "Did I see this plant in 2022?":"No",
     "Name":"Abronia alpina"
     "Did I see this plant in 2016?":"No",
     "Did I see this plant in 2017?":"No",
     "How Many?":11,
     "User Data 4":"x",
     "User Data 5":"",
     "Did I see this plant in 2022?":"Yes",
     "Name":"Abronia alpina1"

class App extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const data = response.initial_data

    const columns = Object.keys(response.initial_data[0]).map((key, id)=>{
      return {
        Header: key,
        accessor: key

    return <ReactTable
      data = { data }
      columns = { columns }

ReactDOM.render( < App / > , document.getElementById("app"))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-table/6.7.6/react-table.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-table/6.7.6/react-table.css"></link>
<div id="app"></div>
like image 103
Dev Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
