I am using R/shinydasboard to create a web app that I am putting behind a login screen.
I'm having trouble with getting the main body to render based on the sidebar menu tabs.
I've tried to ensure one of the tab items has selected = TRUE
still to no avail.
Sample code below:
Logged <- FALSE;
LoginPass <- 0; #0: not attempted, -1: failed, 1: passed
login <- box(title = "Login",textInput("userName", "Username (user)"),
passwordInput("passwd", "Password (test)"),
br(),actionButton("Login", "Log in"))
loginfail <- box(title = "Login",textInput("userName", "Username"),
passwordInput("passwd", "Password"),
p("Username or password incorrect"),
br(),actionButton("Login", "Log in"))
mainbody <- div(tabItems(
tabItem(tabName = "t_item1", box(title = "Item 1 information")),
tabItem(tabName = "t_item2", box(title = "Item 2 information")),
tabItem(tabName = "t_item3", box(title = "Item 3 information"))
header <- dashboardHeader(title = "dashboard header")
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(uiOutput("sidebarpanel"))
body <- dashboardBody(uiOutput("body"))
ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
USER <<- reactiveValues(Logged = Logged, LoginPass = LoginPass)
if (USER$Logged == FALSE) {
if (!is.null(input$Login)) {
if (input$Login > 0) {
username <- isolate(input$userName)
password <- isolate(input$passwd)
#Id.username <- which(my_username == Username)
if (username == "user" & password == "test") {
USER$Logged <<- TRUE
USER$LoginPass <<- 1
USER$LoginPass <<- -1
output$sidebarpanel <- renderUI({
if (USER$Logged == TRUE) {
menuItem("Item 1", tabName = "t_item1", icon = icon("line-chart"), selected = TRUE),
menuItem("Item 2", tabName = "t_item2", icon = icon("users")),
menuItem("item 3", tabName = "t_item3", icon = icon("dollar"))
output$body <- renderUI({
if (USER$Logged == TRUE) {
else {
if(USER$LoginPass >= 0) {
else {
shinyApp(ui, server)
Any suggestions on how to get the mainbody to show one of the tabs when it loads would be greatly appreciated. I have a suspicion it may due to the load order of the sidebar
and the body
however I am not sure how to investigate further.
I have also tried a conditionalPanel
however couldn't get that to work either.
This screenshot shows the behaviour that occurs straight after login.
This screenshot shows the desired behaviour after login.
You need to set the tabItem
as active:
tabItem(tabName = "t_item1", class = "active", box(title = "Item 1 information"))
It will render the first tab when you dynamically render the content after login.
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