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Dynamic API KEY for Google Maps on Android


We are developing an Android application that uses google maps.

Right now, for development purposes, we're using the key like this:

        android:value="@string/google_maps_key" />


<string name="google_maps_key">KEY_HERE</string>

For deploying purposes, we will implement a "Bring Your Own Key" approach where each client that buys the product, also put his key to be used.

I know it's weird and somewhat unnecessary, but it is a process from a big company and this decision comes from "the top".

Is there any way that we can have dynamic keys? Like putting a key into a service and consuming it in the app or something like that?

Appreciate any help.

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Renan Souza Avatar asked Jul 12 '18 17:07

Renan Souza

1 Answers

This is not possible in Google API V2 according to the documentation the API key has to be assigned using the Manifest file.


But its possible for MapView.

If you are instantiating a MapView directly from the code, you should pass the Maps API Key in the MapView constructor.


protected void onCreate(.....) {
     mMapView = new MapView(this, YOUR_MAP_API_KEY); //pass key to MapView Constructor here
  //   ....
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Raj Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
