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dyld: Library not loaded error when running command in terminal

When running some commands in the terminal, I get the following error message

dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.62.dylib
  Referenced from: /opt/local//lib/libTIFF.dylib
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
    /opt/local//lib/libjpeg.62.dylib: can't map
    /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.62.dylib: can't map
Trace/BPT trap

My xcode is up to date.

like image 624
denisjacquemin Avatar asked Feb 21 '10 12:02


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What is the DYLD Mac Library? Every time you boot up your Mac, the system creates cache files, which are named DYLD. DYLD caches are used for a safe and fast Mac startup. They are system files, used for all user accounts on a Mac. On the macOS, a DYLD folder is stored in the system library folder.

2 Answers

As your paths begin /opt/local I assume you are using macports

If so I think you need to at least do a sudo port selfupdate as the current tiff port depends on /libjpeg.7.dylib.

Possible a complete reinstall is needed if the macports was installed under Leopard or earlier

like image 197
mmmmmm Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10


After you do your

sudo port selfupdate 

don't forget to do a

sudo port upgrade outdated

to upgrade your existing ports. Much better than reinstalling everything :-)

like image 3
bpaul Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10
