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Drupal 7 error: The file could not be created




I move drupal 7 from server(live Site) to my localhost(xampp). I change settings.php(files/defualt/settings.php) for database connection and remove cache from mysql database. now in load index, i see my website without css design(only text) and see this error :

**Error message**:
The file could not be created.
The file could not be created.
The file could not be created.
The file could not be created.
The file could not be created.

I think drupal not create css/js compression files. How To Fix This Error? Thanks For Any Help.

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BaTmaN Avatar asked Nov 17 '12 22:11


3 Answers

While running MAMP

found answer from here: http://drupal.org/node/581558#comment-6202892

Went to: admin/config/media/file-system

changed "/tmp/php" to "tmp/php" and problem was solved.

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Martin Sookael Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Martin Sookael

similar to the other answer it was a problem with my file system setup. The tmp directory in my live site is in a folder outside the public_html folder.

  • so I just created a new tmp directory inside my directory structure and
  • went to admin/config/media/file-system and
  • set the tmp folder to point to that new tmp folder.
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Japo Domingo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Japo Domingo

It seems a permissions problems, after you cleared the drupal cache, all the css and js files needs to be recreated in sites/default/files (or sites/yourdomain/files), check the web users has permission to write in this directory.

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m4t1t0 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
