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Dropping column with foreign key Laravel error: General error: 1025 Error on rename

I've created a table using migration like this:

public function up() {     Schema::create('despatch_discrepancies',  function($table) {         $table->increments('id')->unsigned();         $table->integer('pick_id')->unsigned();         $table->foreign('pick_id')->references('id')->on('picks');         $table->integer('pick_detail_id')->unsigned();         $table->foreign('pick_detail_id')->references('id')->on('pick_details');         $table->integer('original_qty')->unsigned();         $table->integer('shipped_qty')->unsigned();     }); }  public function down() {     Schema::drop('despatch_discrepancies'); } 

I need to change this table and drop the foreign key reference & column pick_detail_id and add a new varchar column called sku after pick_id column.

So, I've created another migration, which looks like this:

public function up() {     Schema::table('despatch_discrepancies', function($table)     {         $table->dropForeign('pick_detail_id');         $table->dropColumn('pick_detail_id');         $table->string('sku', 20)->after('pick_id');     }); }  public function down() {     Schema::table('despatch_discrepancies', function($table)     {         $table->integer('pick_detail_id')->unsigned();         $table->foreign('pick_detail_id')->references('id')->on('pick_details');         $table->dropColumn('sku');     }); } 

When I run this migration, I get the following error:

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1025 Error on rename of './dev_iwms_reboot/despatch_discrepancies' to './dev_iwms_reboot/#sql2-67c-17c464' (errno: 152) (SQL: alter table despatch_discrepancies drop foreign key pick_detail_id)

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1025 Error on rename of './dev_iwms_reboot/despatch_discrepancies' to './dev_iwms_reboot/#sql2-67c-17c464' (errno: 152)

When I try to reverse this migration by running php artisan migrate:rollback command, I get a Rolled back message, but it's not actually doing anything in the database.

Any idea what might be wrong? How do you drop a column that has a foreign key reference?

like image 951
Latheesan Avatar asked Nov 27 '14 17:11


People also ask

How do I drop a foreign key in migration?

You can use this: Schema::table('despatch_discrepancies', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropForeign(['pick_detail_id']); $table->dropColumn('pick_detail_id'); }); If you take a peak at dropForeign source, it will build the foreign key index name for you if you pass the column name as an array.

How do you remove a foreign key constraint in migration?

You can drop foreign key column with constraints in Laravel using migration, you have to create migration file and add dropForeign() and dropColumn() method inside up or down function in migration file and run migration command to drop the column.

2 Answers

You can use this:

Schema::table('despatch_discrepancies', function (Blueprint $table) {     $table->dropForeign(['pick_detail_id']);     $table->dropColumn('pick_detail_id'); }); 

If you take a peak at dropForeign source, it will build the foreign key index name for you if you pass the column name as an array.

like image 131
Alex Pineda Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10

Alex Pineda

It turns out; when you create a foreign key like this:

$table->integer('pick_detail_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('pick_detail_id')->references('id')->on('pick_details'); 

Laravel uniquely names the foreign key reference like this:

<table_name>_<foreign_table_name>_<column_name>_foreign despatch_discrepancies_pick_detail_id_foreign (in my case) 

Therefore, when you want to drop a column with foreign key reference, you have to do it like this:

$table->dropForeign('despatch_discrepancies_pick_detail_id_foreign'); $table->dropColumn('pick_detail_id'); 


Laravel 4.2+ introduces a new naming convention:

like image 32
Latheesan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10
