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Drop Time in DateTime

I have a problem where my table stores the date as

2009-01-10 10:00:00.000

and I have another table which stores the date as

2009-01-10 12:00:00.000

I know they are not the same but the dates are, is there away in SQL to easily drop the time and keep just the dates for comparison? Thanks.

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Oliver S Avatar asked Jan 29 '09 20:01

Oliver S

People also ask

How do I remove the time from a datetime object in Python?

To remove the time from a datetime object in Python, convert the datetime to a date using date(). You can also use strftime() to create a string from a datetime object without the time. When working in Python, many times we need to create variables which represent dates and times.

3 Answers

Run this

SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(d, 0, Getdate()), 0)

change Getdate() to your column name to strip the date

BTW if you are doing a comparison it is better to do >= and < since it will perform better

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SQLMenace Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


You can use this syntax:-

CAST(date_field AS DATE) as column_name

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Kunal Kabra Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Kunal Kabra

Look here

You want the first one.


Do not use any conversions to varchar, they are slow.

EDIT: @feihtthief - Here is a way to populate a table of dates (with 0 time) from a temp numbers table that is FAST. Edit it to save the numbers table if you want. They are handy as well.

DECLARE @DaysFromGoLive int                                                                                 
SET @DaysFromGoLive = (SELECT (DATEDIFF(dd,'10/01/2007',GETDATE()) + 1)) /* Days from go live is the starting date of the table */

 SELECT TOP 10950 --30 years of days                                                                        
        IDENTITY(INT,1,1) as N                                                                              
   INTO #Numbers                                                                                            
   FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1,                                                                          
        Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2                                                                           

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableOfDates](                                                                      
    [fld_date] [datetime] NOT NULL,                                                                           
 CONSTRAINT [PK_TableOfDates] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED                                                         
    [fld_date] ASC                                                                                            
)WITH FILLFACTOR = 99 ON [PRIMARY]                                                                          
) ON [PRIMARY]                                                                                              

INSERT INTO                                                                                                 
      DATEADD(dd,nums.n - @DaysFromGoLive,CAST(FLOOR(CAST(GETDATE() as FLOAT)) as DateTime)) as FLD_Date    
FROM #Numbers nums                                                                                          

SELECT MIN(FLD_Date) FROM dbo.TableOfDates                                                              
SELECT MAX(FLD_Date) FROM dbo.TableOfDates                                                              

DROP TABLE #Numbers                          
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StingyJack Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
