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drf-yasg document input and output serializer for GET request

I'd like to document input schemas and output schemas for GET request with drf-yasg.

It doesn't seem to be easy.

             openapi.Parameter('cart_id', in_=openapi.IN_QUERY,

The above code shows the GET parameter, but somehow hides the response schema.

@swagger_auto_schema(methods=['put', 'post'], request_body=UserSerializer)

I can't use request_body for GET query parameters, it's only for post body

So How do I document my input schema and output schema with drf-yasg ?

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eugene Avatar asked Sep 21 '19 03:09


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1 Answers

You can use query_serializer

Found it https://medium.com/@arjunsinghy96/customised-api-documentation-for-django-rest-framework-projects-using-drf-yasg-d6db9ba5cff3

was hard to get it from the official doc.

like image 109
eugene Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10
