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Drawing onto a canvas with vue.js

I don't think this is necessarily a Vue based issue, but I'm running into some trouble.

I'd like to write to the canvas a Vue variable. If I remove vue, my initial code works fine, however if I add Vue the canvas doesn't actually start up.

Here is my code

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.font="20px Georgia";
ctx.fillText("Hello World!",10,50);

var v = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    'exampleContent': 'This is TEXT'
  watch: {
    exampleContent: function(val, oldVal) {
      ctx.fillStyle = "black";
      ctx.font="20px Georgia";

If I comment out /* var v = new Vue({ ... the initial bit works. If I log the value of exampleContent in the watcher that also works. But something about the canvas isn't working.

Demo to play with: http://codepen.io/EightArmsHQ/pen/EgGbgR?editors=1010

like image 589
Djave Avatar asked Oct 21 '16 13:10


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2 Answers

Please check this jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/mani04/r4mbh6nu/

EDIT: updated with dynamic text: https://jsfiddle.net/mani04/r4mbh6nu/1/

In the above example, I am able to write into canvas, and also ensure that the input text goes into span as you would expect, all using Vue.js

Coming back to your example, the HTML is:

<div id="app">     <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas>     <input type="text" v-model="exampleContent" />     <span>{{ exampleContent }}</span> </div> 

Vue.js reads the elements inside #app and keeps it as the template for your Vue app. So your canvas, input and span elements will now be re-rendered by Vue.js when it constructs the DOM.

During this process, your original canvas text - the one you set before initiating the Vue application gets lost.

There is no clear way to solve this issue other than using a directive, as in my jsFiddle example. A Vue directive helps you capture the DOM element.

In my example, I define a Vue directive called insert-message which I use on canvas as v-insert-message. This allows me to capture the DOM element and then do the other steps: getContext and fillText. There is no id required, or no javascript code to getElementById.

One more thing - your canvas is just too large, and therefore you were not able to see your input and span elements. They were working normally in your example also!

EDIT: example for directive bindings

I just found a way to use directives and still write dynamic stuff into canvas.

Check the updated jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/mani04/r4mbh6nu/1/

like image 192
Mani Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09


Here's an easy way that works with Vuejs 2:

  1. Add the canvas to you template with a reference attribute:


  2. You can then access it anywhere inside your component using

    var canvas = this.$refs.myCanvas

like image 40
tariqdaouda Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
