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Draw a line through two points




Using MatLab, I know how to create a line segment connecting two points using this code:

line([0 1],[0 1])

This draws a straight line segment from the point (0,0) to the point (1,1).

What I am trying to do is continue that line to the edge of the plot. Rather than just drawing a line between these two points I want to draw a line through those two points that spans the entire figure for any set of two points.

For this particular line and a x=-10:10, y=-10:10 plot I could write:

line([-10 10], [-10 10]);

But I would need to generalize this for any set of points.

like image 582
CodeFusionMobile Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 16:10


People also ask

Is it always possible to draw a line through 2 points?

Two points are always collinear since we can draw a distinct (one) line through them. Three points are collinear if they lie on the same line.

How do you find the equation of a line with two coordinates?

The straight line through two points will have an equation in the form y = m x + c . We can find the value of , the gradient of the line, by forming a right-angled triangle using the coordinates of the two points.

1 Answers

  1. Solve the line equation going through those two points:

    y = a*x + b;

    for a and b:

    a = (yp(2)-yp(1)) / (xp(2)-xp(1));
    b = yp(1)-a*xp(1);
  2. Find the edges of the plotting window

    xlims = xlim(gca);
    ylims = ylim(gca);

    or take a edges far away, so you can still zoomout, later reset the x/y limits.
    or if there is no plot at the moment, define your desired edges:

    xlims = [-10 10];
    ylims = [-10 10];
  3. Fill in those edges into the line equation and plot the corresponding points:

    y = xlims*a+b;
    line( xlims, y );
  4. And reset the edges


There is one special case, the vertical line, which you'll have to take care of separately.

like image 128
Gunther Struyf Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Gunther Struyf