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Draw a Geographically Accurate Arc on a Map for Android

I would like to draw an arc with a center GPS point and two end GPS points. I can use any mapping software that can be used with android.

So far I have tried Google Maps for android. Mapbox for android. ARCGIS for android. None of them seem to be able to do this simple task.

I'm guessing I need some-sort of overlay?

enter image description here enter image description here

like image 302
Reafidy Avatar asked Mar 13 '16 01:03


People also ask

Can I Draw on Google Maps Android?

You can trace a path or highlight an area on your map by drawing lines and shapes.

How do I Draw an arc in Google Earth?

Click (click, don't drag) on the map at the center point of your circle (eg: Vancouver) Move your mouse until the circle radius is the distance you want (eg: 750km) Click the map again to complete the circle. In the Ruler window, click the "Save" button.

How do you Draw a mobile map?

My Maps in a browser: Plot the points > Draw a line > Add Driving Route. Use mouse to draw route. Mark current location: Create a map; type your address in the search bar. The Android My Maps app is no longer available; however, you can use My Maps in a mobile browser on your device.

2 Answers

Unfortunately, I can't really give you a complete answer right now as this question requires heavy math and I'm unable to fully understand the data you have shown in the table. I assume you are trying to have an end result that looks something like this. If that is the case, you have a center point, radius, and the arc starting LatLng and end LatLng (This could also be calculated from the center point with additional math). I'll try and update this answer if I get a chance to write some code handling the math side. As far as I know, none of the map libraries (Google Maps, Mapbox) include this.

Basically, I'd write a method that returns a bunch of latlng points following the arc you wish to draw. From this, i'd draw a line using the addPolyline method.

// Draw line from list of LatLng called pointsArray
mapView.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()

Hopefully this helps you out, at least with getting started and like I said, I'll try and add the math bits later on if I get a chance.

like image 165
cammace Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10


First of all, you have to change the geodata representation.

From this:

36°46'02.5"S    174°50'03.6"E    GRC
36°56'18.3"S    174°33'09.7"E    CWA    36°52'19.2"S    174°29'23.5"E    5.0'    NM
36°48'19.8"S    174°25'37.7"E    GRC
36°41'06.1"S    174°37'32.9"E    CCA    36°39'54.5"S    174°38'40.7"E    1.5'    NM
36°41'00.3"S    174°39'57.1"E    GRC
36°39'49.4"S    174°41'32.3"E    CCA    36°38'43.5"S    174°40'15.7"E    1.5'    NM
36°39'17.5"S    174°41'59.7"E    GRC
36°39'38.6"S    174°44'37.7"E    GRC
36°37'08.8"S    174°47'27.4"E    CWA    36°42'03.8"S    174°46'17.0"E    5.0'    NM

To this:

-36.76736    174.83433    GRC
-36.93842    174.55269    CWA    -36.87200    174.48986    0.08333    NM
-36.80550    174.42714    GRC
-36.68503    174.62581    CCA    -36.66514    174.64464    0.02500    NM
-36.68342    174.66586    GRC
-36.66372    174.69231    CCA    -36.64542    174.67103    0.02500    NM
-36.65486    174.69992    GRC
-36.66072    174.74381    GRC
-36.61911    174.79094    CWA    -36.70106    174.77139    0.08333    NM

Then you can use them to build a path (e.g., SVG path):

       d=" M -36.76736,174.83433 L -36.93842,174.55269 A 0.08333,0.08333 0 0,1 -36.80550,174.42714 L -36.68503,174.62581 A 0.02500,0.02500 0 0,0 -36.68342,174.66586 L -36.66372,174.69231 A 0.02500,0.02500 0 0,0 -36.65486,174.69992 L -36.66072,174.74381 L -36.61911,174.79094 A 0.08333,0.08333 0 0,1 -36.76736,174.83433 Z"

SVG example

Actually, there is no API to create curves, arcs, etc. in GMaps/OSMDroid, so, you should draw them as many small lines. It means doing some math, but this math can be made by GeographicLib library:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    MapView map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map);

    IMapController mapController = map.getController();
    GeoPoint startPoint = new GeoPoint(-36.66372, 174.69231);

    Polygon polyline = new Polygon(this);
    List<GeoPoint> points = new LinkedList<>();

    // I filled the data manually, but it can be done more clever, of course.
    GRC(points, new GeoPoint(-36.76736, 174.83433));
    CWA(points, new GeoPoint(-36.93842, 174.55269),
                new GeoPoint(-36.87200, 174.48986),
                new GeoPoint(-36.80550, 174.42714),
    CCA(points, new GeoPoint(-36.68503, 174.62581),
                new GeoPoint(-36.66514, 174.64464),
                new GeoPoint(-36.68342, 174.66586),
    CCA(points, new GeoPoint(-36.66372, 174.69231),
                new GeoPoint(-36.64542, 174.67103),
                new GeoPoint(-36.65486, 174.69992),
    GRC(points, new GeoPoint(-36.66072, 174.74381));
    CWA(points, new GeoPoint(-36.61911, 174.79094),
                new GeoPoint(-36.70106, 174.77139),
                new GeoPoint(-36.76736, 174.83433), //close shape going to the start point


private void CCA(List<GeoPoint> points, GeoPoint startPoint, GeoPoint centerPoint, GeoPoint endPoint, double radius) {

    GeodesicData f = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(centerPoint.getLatitude(), centerPoint.getLongitude(), startPoint.getLatitude(), startPoint.getLongitude());
    GeodesicData t = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(centerPoint.getLatitude(), centerPoint.getLongitude(), endPoint.getLatitude(), endPoint.getLongitude());

    double ffaz = f.azi1;
    double tfaz = t.azi1;

    final int decrement = 1;
    while (Math.abs((int)ffaz) != Math.abs((int)tfaz)) {
        GeodesicData llb = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(centerPoint.getLatitude(), centerPoint.getLongitude(), ffaz,  f.s12);
        points.add(new GeoPoint(llb.lat2, llb.lon2));
        ffaz -= decrement;
        if (ffaz <0) {
            ffaz += 360;


private void CWA(List<GeoPoint> points, GeoPoint startPoint, GeoPoint centerPoint, GeoPoint endPoint, double radius) {

    GeodesicData f = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(centerPoint.getLatitude(), centerPoint.getLongitude(), startPoint.getLatitude(), startPoint.getLongitude());
    GeodesicData t = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(centerPoint.getLatitude(), centerPoint.getLongitude(), endPoint.getLatitude(), endPoint.getLongitude());

    double ffaz = f.azi1;
    double tfaz = t.azi1 > 0 ? t.azi1 : 360 + t.azi1;

    final int increment = 1;
    while (Math.abs((int)ffaz) != Math.abs((int)tfaz)) {
        GeodesicData llb = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(centerPoint.getLatitude(), centerPoint.getLongitude(), ffaz, f.s12);
        points.add(new GeoPoint(llb.lat2, llb.lon2));
        ffaz += increment;
        if (ffaz>360) {
            ffaz -= 360;


private void GRC(List<GeoPoint> points, GeoPoint geoPoint) {

I used osmdroid+OSMBonusPack, but the code is quite universal and can be used with Google Maps easily.

The full source code.


osmdroid and OSMBonusPack together

Also, would you mind telling what kind of geodata you posted? The shape on the map looks like an allowed flight zone, I guess.

like image 4
Mikalai Daronin Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10

Mikalai Daronin