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Doxygen: Disable autolink for symbol


I'd like to know if it's possible to exclude a symbol from the autolink functionality. I have a namespace with a common name (e.g. Ball) and in the documentation I use that name in phrases that are completely unrelated with the namespace (e.g. In soccer you score when the ball enters the goal) and I wouldn't want it linked. Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks in advance!

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V Ronin Avatar asked Nov 20 '13 11:11

V Ronin

1 Answers

Precede the word with % and doxygen will strip the % and leave the word alone.


Item 11 in the FAQ, but I must admit it took me a while to find it and I knew it was there somewhere!

like image 74
Cheeseminer Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 01:09
