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Downloading Videos from YouTube - Terms & Conditions



I am a bit confused about the YouTube API's term & conditions. If I create an app for users to download only their own videos. Is that against the terms and conditions?

I know downloading other people content is definitely prohibited, but is it the same for your own videos? Since user can go to their video manager and download their own videosm this would be only a short-cut?

Anyone knows can/cannot do this? I was thinking of using this library http://ytdownloadextension.codeplex.com/

Any guidance would be appreciated,


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covo Avatar asked Sep 17 '12 20:09


People also ask

Can you get in trouble for downloading YouTube videos?

For personal use, no it is not illegal to download YouTube video. But it is immoral. Taking steps to avoid video-streaming quality issues and overstepping your data-downloading limit are common sense, and avoiding advertising is not illegal (ad-blockers are the bane of our industry, too).

What happens when you download a YouTube video?

When you see the blue Downloaded tick, it means the video is now available for offline viewing. You can even save a YouTube video for offline viewing while watching, you just need to tap on the Download button (down arrow) below the video title. In this case, also, YouTube will ask you to choose the video quality.

Can you download copyrighted videos on YouTube?

As per US law, any sort of conversion or download of copyrighted material, whether it's as MP3, MP4 or something else entirely – is illegal.

1 Answers

Seems like YouTube already allows you to do that, so I'd say it's legal:

Download your videos

You can’t download other people’s YouTube videos, but ...

You can download MP4 files of videos that you’ve uploaded to YouTube in either 720p or 360p, depending on the video size.

See Download videos that you've uploaded.

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webdevanddata Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09
