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download files via terminal/cmdline through wetransfer.com



poeple more and more send me big zip files via wetransfer, which is fine as it works and i don't need to setup a ftp or upload myself. but i need to get this data to my ubuntu server that sits on a fast connection in a serverfarm.

i tried to wget the link that wetransfer sends by mail, but i only get the html info page that shows up before wetransfer sends the file through http

i tried a txt-browser (lynx, elinks) but wetrasnfer keeps on mumbling about "outdated browser" and it somehow does not work

i end up downloading to my laptop and uploading through throttled DSL to the server which takes all night...

does anyone had success with downloading wetransfer links from linux terminal?

thnx mart

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user2039215 Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 10:02


People also ask

How do I download a file from Terminal link?

Use wget -O hooray "http://domain.com/directory/4?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=file.tgz" . You can add -c option to resume download if connection was lost while downloading file.

How do I download files sent through WeTransfer?

Downloading Files From WeTransfer You can receive a file from WeTransfer either via email or by using a download link. In both cases, you'll be redirected to WeTransfer's recipient page, which sports a big “download” button. All you have to do is click that button, and you'll begin downloading the file.

How do I download a file in Linux terminal?

Download files from Linux terminal using wget command. wget is perhaps the most used command line download manager for Linux and UNIX-like systems. You can download a single file, multiple files, entire directory or even an entire website using wget. wget is non-interactive and can easily work in the background.

2 Answers

  1. First, obtain the real download link.
  2. Using your browser (I'm using Firefox) click "Download Link" on WeTransfer's download page.
  3. After the download begins, right-click on the file being downloaded and select "Copy Download Link".
  4. Find out your browser's User Agent. You can use whatsmyuseragent.com to grab it.
  5. Prepare your wget command and download the file.


wget --user-agent Mozilla/4.0 '[your big address here]' -O dest_file_name 

Don't forget the quotes.

[your big address here] must be the direct link to the file, not the forwarded html page. You can get the big address by starting the download on any machine, then copy the link from your download-manager (eg. firefox, chrome)

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Meetai.com Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09


I couldn't get it working with wget so here's an alternative using curl:

curl '{pretty_long_appendix_here}' --location --output {file_name_on_my_disk} 



with the actual download url [starting with https://download.wetransfer.com/] you get when you actually start the download.

In chrome for example start the download and go to

Window > Downloads

Stop the running download and copy the download-URL by right-clicking on it.



with the actual name you want the file to be stored on your disk.

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Vincent Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09
