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Download files using requests and BeautifulSoup

I'm trying download a bunch of pdf files from here using requests and beautifulsoup4. This is my code:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

_ANO = '2013/'
_MES = '01/'
_MATERIAS = 'matematica/'
_CONTEXT = 'wp-content/uploads/' + _ANO + _MES
_URL = 'http://www.desconversa.com.br/' + _MATERIAS + _CONTEXT

r = requests.get(_URL)
soup = bs(r.text)

for i, link in enumerate(soup.findAll('a')):
    _FULLURL = _URL + link.get('href')

    for x in range(i):
        output = open('file[%d].pdf' % x, 'wb')

I'm getting AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'read'.

Ok, I know that, but... how can I download from that URL generated?

like image 774
Filipe Manuel Avatar asked Sep 27 '13 16:09

Filipe Manuel

1 Answers

This will write all the files from the page with their original filenames into a pdfs/ directory.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import urllib2

_ANO = '2013/'
_MES = '01/'
_MATERIAS = 'matematica/'
_CONTEXT = 'wp-content/uploads/' + _ANO + _MES
_URL = 'http://www.desconversa.com.br/' + _MATERIAS + _CONTEXT

# functional
r = requests.get(_URL)
soup = bs(r.text)
urls = []
names = []
for i, link in enumerate(soup.findAll('a')):
    _FULLURL = _URL + link.get('href')
    if _FULLURL.endswith('.pdf'):

names_urls = zip(names, urls)

for name, url in names_urls:
    print url
    rq = urllib2.Request(url)
    res = urllib2.urlopen(rq)
    pdf = open("pdfs/" + name, 'wb')
like image 120
samstav Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10
