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Download file/folder from sharepoint using Curl/Wget automatically

I have been trying to use Curl and wget to download file from Sharepoint. I am planning to make it as Script which runs automatically everyday and download the file from URL.

I tried using CURL with following command

curl -O --user Myusername:Mypassword https://OurDomain.sharepoint.com/_XXX&file=IPS_cleaned.xlsx&action=default

But it gave me error about SSL connection. I got to know that there is some existing bug in CURL 7.35 So i downgraded it to 7.22. But still gives me same error.

I also tried using Wget

wget --user=Myusername --password=MyPassword --no-check-certificate https://OurDomain.sharepoint.com/_XXX&file=IPS_cleaned.xlsx&action=default

But it still gives me error -- Unable to establish SSL connection

Can someone please let me know how i can accomplish my task


I was able to resolve the error in CURL. Below is the command that i gave

curl -O -L --sslv3 -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/0.A.B.C Safari/525.13" --user Myusername:Mypassword 'https://OurDomain.sharepoint.com/_%7BB21r-9CA2-345DEF%7D&file=IPS_cleaned.xlsx&action=default'

Now what it downloads is a file, which when i open it shows me Login page of Sharepoint. It does not download the actual excel file.

Any reason?

like image 638
Neil Avatar asked Jul 24 '14 02:07


People also ask

Can I use wget instead of curl?

Unlike curl , the wget command is solely for the retrieval of information from a remote server. By default, the information received is saved with the same name as in the provided URL. You can specify one or more specific DNS servers to use when utilizing wget to access a remote server.

How do I download a file from SharePoint?

On your OneDrive or SharePoint Online website, select the files or folders you want to download. Select Download. If your browser prompts you, choose Save or Save As and browse to the location where you want to save the download. Some browsers just start saving right away to a Downloads folder on your computer.

1 Answers

Another potential solution to this involves taking your sharepoint link and replacing the text after the '?' with download=1:

This: https://my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/XXX/XXXX-bunchofRandomText?e=kRlVi

Becomes this: https://my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/XXX/XXXX-bunchofRandomText?download=1

Now, you can just:

wget https://my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/XXX/XXXX-bunchofRandomText?download=1

*Note, this example used a single file and a link where anyone with the link could access the file (no credentials required)

like image 137
compBio Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
