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Download an Amazon EC2 AMI?

I would like to download a public Amazon EC2 AMI, such as this one (Ubuntu Lucid), so that I can programmatically extract its contents.

How do I do this? I suspect there is an S3 address somewhere? This blog post looks like it once described this process, but the link seems to no longer work.

So far I can only find explanations of how to move around EC2 instance within AWS. I believe manifest files are an important piece of the puzzle.

like image 806
AndyL Avatar asked Oct 08 '10 19:10


People also ask

Can you download an AWS AMI?

Short description. You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to start an image export task using VM Import/Export. Then, a copy of your Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is exported as a VM file and written to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

Can I download EC2 image?

You can export most EC2 instances to Citrix Xen, Microsoft Hyper-V, or VMware vSphere. When you export an instance, you are charged the standard Amazon S3 rates for the bucket where the exported VM is stored. In addition, there might be a small charge for the temporary use of an Amazon EBS snapshot.

How do I download EC2 instance?

Go to the bucket, select the file you transferred from the EC2 instance and click on the 'Download' button to download the file on your local system.

Can you export an EC2 instance?

You can export previously imported EC2 instances using the Amazon EC2 API tools. You simply specify the target instance, virtual machine file format and a destination S3 bucket, and VM Import/Export will automatically export the instance to the S3 bucket.

1 Answers

Use the ec2-download-bundle in the AMI Tools to download AMIs. Create an instance, then immediately create an AMI. Use ec2-download-bundle to retrieve and decrypt the AMI.

like image 172
ken Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
