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Doubts about MVC Model

I've been told that MVC is an architecture pattern for the presentation tier on a multi-tier architecture. I didn't understand the MVC Model concept.

So I made a web application, as an aproach to learn MVC model, only using JSP and Servlets, I made the DataAccess layer too.

In my WebContent folder, I put all the views.

In my src (Java content) folder, I made 4 packages.


I used Servlets as Controllers (used the FrontController pattern) and JSP for all the Views.

As the title says, my problem is with the model.

Now, lets make an example..

I have 2 classes.

 - Car
 - CarLogic

CarLogic is a class that calls a possible CarDAO to get data and to return it to anyone who asks it. Car is just the POJO.

I placed CarLogic inside presentation.model and Car on businessEntities.

Am i wrong? What should i put on Model package?


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pablo.raissiguier Avatar asked Jan 15 '14 09:01


People also ask

What were the major problems with MVC?

Major drawbacks of MVC in react js include manipulation of DOM which is very expensive and also at the cost of time and memory wastage. For implementing MVC, knowledge of multiple languages and technologies is required which requires enormous manpower having different expertise.

What are the drawbacks of the MVC model?

In the MVC pattern, the views could be overburdened with update requests, if the model keeps on going with frequent changes. Furthermore, views like graphic displays can take a longer time to make. As a result, the view component falls behind all the updates.

When should you use MVC model?

Why Should You Use MVC? Three words: separation of concerns, or SoC for short. The MVC pattern helps you break up the frontend and backend code into separate components. This way, it's much easier to manage and make changes to either side without them interfering with each other.

What does MVC help us to achieve?

MVC is primarily used to separate an application into three main components: Model, View, and Controller. This level is considered the lowest level when compared with the View and Controller. It primarily represents the data to the user and defines the storage of all the application's data objects.

2 Answers

When nested in the presentation layer of a multi-tier architecture, MVC's models are usually nothing more than (possibly enhanced) key-value maps.

The controller, after having called the appropriate business layer service, instanciate a new map with the values the view will have to display.

Spring MVC for example implemented the MVC pattern this way: see how the ModelMap extends LinkedHashMap.

See this answer to see a typical HTTP request life cycle, when the MVC pattern is nested in the presentation layer of a 3-tier architecture.

So to sum up, I would put CarLogic in your businessEntities package, and the Car POJO within a new presentation.bean package for example (so you won't need your presentation.model package anymore). Thus, your controller would add the Car instance as an attribute of the request, which would then play the part of the model:

request.setAttribute("theBean", yourBeanInstance);

In your JSP views, simply use ${theBean.anyProperty} to access the attribute (don't forget the getter in your bean). Note that the EL will scan the following scopes in given order: page, request, session, application; the first found match will then be returned.

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sp00m Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


Model View Controller in and of itself is a pretty simple pattern.

From the wikipedia artical:

  • A controller can send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g., editing a document). It can also send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (e.g., by scrolling through a document).
  • A model notifies its associated views and controllers when there has been a change in its state. This notification allows the views to produce updated output, and the controllers to change the available set of commands. In some cases an MVC implementation might instead be "passive," so that other components must poll the model for updates rather than being notified.
  • A view requests information from the model that it needs for generating an output representation to the user

At least it was simple pre-web and pre-SOA.

The view part is still pretty straight forward, it simply presents the model.

Controller-wise, the web, in its traditional http/html sense rather than the newer JavaScript/AJAX/websocket sense, has made the controllers iteraction with the view much more visible than it was in say a Swing application. This means in addition to their traditional role, controllers in a web-app are likely to not only interact with the model but also have some knowledge of the views.

Model-wise, pre-SOA the model represented both the data and the behaviour of the business. More recently anemic domain models have become popular with behaviour implemented in separate classes from the representation of the data, which is passed to the logic classes (services).

It's this point, relating to the separation of data and logic that I believe your question relates to. Personally, for simple systems, I prefer a rich model with the data and behaviour in the same classes, hence the packaging is simple. However I appreciate that sometimes the benefits in separating the logic from the data and in such cases I'd create a separate package (and probably a separate jar) to contain that logic.

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Nick Holt Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 13:09

Nick Holt