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Double quotes in VBScript argument


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How do you pass double quotes in VBScript?

The escape marker for " in string literals is " . giving "" - in VBscript. Other languages use \" to escape a double quote. is correct VBScript if you what to display (or store) This is "myName" .

How do you escape a single quote in VBScript?

\ is not an escape character in VB or VBScript. The only ways to escape a quote are to double it up or to use Chr(34).

What is the escape character in VBScript?

Normally in most of the languages, the escape character is backslash ( \ ). In VBScript, the escape character is a double quote ( ” ) itself. The first and last quot marked in red are enclosing the complete string as you would normally do.

What are arguments in VBScript?

Syntax: WScript.Arguments. The Arguments collection property is read only and returns the collection of arguments supplied when invoking the current script. The argument list does not include the name of the host executable file (cscript or wscript), or the name of the script being invoked.

As I read and experienced for myself VBScript removes all double quotes from and argument. Does anyone know a way around this? How to pass double quotes into the script?