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Don't understand the backslash here



I am following this command on the readme file in github to copy a file but I don't understand how to type it in the terminal it has this backslash and terminal is spitting back that I am not using the copy command correctly

cp -r rails_tutorial_sublime_text/* \
        ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/User/

What do I actually type into terminal in this instance?

like image 514
Cool Guy Yo Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 05:02

Cool Guy Yo

1 Answers

A backslash followed by a newline character means the command continues to the next line. You could remove the backslash and type all of that on the same line if you wanted to.

like image 131
Walfie Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
