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Don't save embed image that contain into attachements (like signature image)

I work on a VSTO in c#. When I click on button I save attachment in a folder. My problem is : when I have a rich email with an image in the signature, I have a element in my attachment. But I don't want save that image. Outlook (application) hide this attachment in the area attachment ! So why not me :-(

My code is very simply :

MailItem MailItemSelected =  this.OutlookItem;   
foreach (Attachment a in MailItemSelected.Attachments)
   a.SaveAsFile(path + a.FileName);

But I don't find a test for don't save the image of the signature.

like image 872
Joc02 Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 22:12


2 Answers

We had a need to show only the "Mail Attachments" (not the embedded ones that are used for rendering) in an Outlook Add - In, and this is what that works.

 if (mailItem.Attachments.Count > 0)
            // get attachments
            foreach (Attachment attachment in mailItem.Attachments)
                var flags = attachment.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x37140003");

                //To ignore embedded attachments -
                if (flags != 4)
                    // As per present understanding - If rtF mail attachment comes here - and the embeded image is treated as attachment then Type value is 6 and ignore it
                    if ((int)attachment.Type != 6)

                        MailAttachment mailAttachment = new MailAttachment { Name = attachment.FileName };


like image 198
Roopa vr Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 12:12

Roopa vr

I've find one part of my solution. When you create an email the size of image embed is to 0. So you can exclude this.

But it is not right when I read a email.

MailItem MailItemSelected =  this.OutlookItem;   
foreach (Attachment a in MailItemSelected.Attachments)
   if(a.Size != 0)
      a.SaveAsFile(path + a.FileName);

When I read email I found a solution, but it is not very nice. So I write it, but if anybody think have better, I like it. In my example I try to get the Flag property with the PropertyAccessor, if it's a embed image, it's ok else I've an exception that be raise.

MailItem MailItemSelected =  this.OutlookItem;   
foreach (Attachment a in MailItemSelected.Attachments)
   bool addAttachment = false;
      string schemaPR_ATTACH_FLAGS = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x37140003"; 
      addAttachment = true;

   if (addAttachment && (a.Size != 0))
      a.SaveAsFile(path + a.FileName);
like image 39
Joc02 Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 12:12
