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Don't get AdMob running on emulator (android 2.2)

I'm just trying to get admob running and tested different "working" code examples from here. None of them works.

In the activity I have:


    AdView ad = (AdView) findViewById(R.id.ad);
    AdRequest r = new AdRequest();
    r.addTestDevice("X3XFX518X7DE1FD879XA5XXAX1AX8BXX"); //no clue why this string

In the view definition I have inserted the following (and yes instead of myPubID there is actually my real PUB ID):


All I get is a black screen for 1 second.

Following log (logcat) is printed during execution

08-09 10:45:03.527: INFO/ActivityManager(59): Start proc de.syrtec.android.bogloid for activity de.syrtec.android.bogloid/.StartSeite: pid=4402 uid=10043 gids={3003}
08-09 10:45:04.887: ERROR/Ads(4402): Could not get currentAdManager.
08-09 10:45:05.397: WARN/InputManagerService(59): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@450d4998
08-09 10:45:05.567: INFO/Ads(4402): To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice(AdRequest.TEST_EMULATOR);
08-09 10:45:06.159: INFO/Ads(4402): adRequestUrlHtml: <html><head><script src="http://www.gstatic.com/afma/sdk-core-v40.js"></script><script>AFMA_buildAdURL({"preqs":0,"u_sd":1.5,"slotname":"********;</script></head><body></body></html>
08-09 10:45:07.528: WARN/webcore(4402): Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout
08-09 10:45:07.848: INFO/Ads(4402): Received ad url: <"url": "http://r.admob.com:80/ad_source.php?preqs=0&u_sd=1.5&slotname=*****: "null">
08-09 10:45:08.809: DEBUG/webviewglue(4402): nativeDestroy view: 0x2bbb30
08-09 10:45:08.818: INFO/Ads(4402): onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory.)
08-09 10:45:11.168: DEBUG/dalvikvm(3148): GC_EXPLICIT freed 32 objects / 1640 bytes in 131ms
08-09 10:45:16.237: DEBUG/dalvikvm(272): GC_EXPLICIT freed 195 objects / 12168 bytes in 137ms

I use GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-4.1.1.jar and Android 2.2 on Emulator.

In my admob account there is no filter and adsense is activated.

I also tried it by instanciating the AdView and adding it to the rootlayout with: (referring to http://code.google.com/mobile/ads/docs/android/fundamentals.html)

AdView adView = new AdView(this, AdSize.BANNER, "PUB_ID");
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.mainLayout);
adView.loadAd(new AdRequest());

and got the same behaviour with the following log:

08-09 10:49:18.367: INFO/ActivityManager(59): Start proc de.syrtec.android.bogloid for activity de.syrtec.android.bogloid/.StartSeite: pid=4543 uid=10043 gids={3003}
08-09 10:49:19.297: ERROR/Ads(4543): Could not get currentAdManager.
08-09 10:49:19.797: WARN/ActivityManager(59): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{44fe4350 de.syrtec.android.bogloid/.StartSeite}
08-09 10:49:20.067: INFO/Ads(4543): To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice(AdRequest.TEST_EMULATOR);
08-09 10:49:20.379: INFO/Ads(4543): adRequestUrlHtml: <html><head><script src="http://www.gstatic.com/afma/sdk-core-v40.js"></script*****;</script></head><body></body></html>
08-09 10:49:20.397: WARN/InputManagerService(59): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@450d20b8
08-09 10:49:22.737: WARN/webcore(4543): Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout
08-09 10:49:22.957: INFO/Ads(4543): Received ad url: <"url": "http://r.admob.com:80/ad_source.php?preqs=0&u_sd=1.5&slotname=***** "null">
08-09 10:49:24.038: DEBUG/dalvikvm(4543): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3826 objects / 234984 bytes in 154ms
08-09 10:49:24.058: DEBUG/webviewglue(4543): nativeDestroy view: 0x2c5320
08-09 10:49:24.058: INFO/Ads(4543): onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory.)
08-09 10:49:24.078: DEBUG/webviewglue(4543): nativeDestroy view: 0x2b81d0

Has anyone a clue?

like image 268
syr Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 10:08


2 Answers

I tried like in the suggested tutorial (blog.kerul.net/2011/05/)

but I only get a black view for a second and then return to android "desktop":

The source looks now like this:

activity class:

class StartActivity extends AdActivity{
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    AdView adview = (AdView)findViewById(R.id.adView1);
    AdRequest re = new AdRequest();

the view:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"

        ads:adUnitId="MY_PUB_ID" />


And YES I replaced MY_PUB_ID with my real publisher id

Is there anything missing? What Emulator do you use with which Android runtime?

like image 161
syr Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 10:11


You need to place to the //no clue why this string your test device's code. I prefer to use setTesting(true) while test it, but you know. The problem can be this.

Oh and I see that your program can't receive ad because of the fault of the ad inventory Place this in your layout at the com.google.ads.adView section: xmlns:ads="http://schemas.android.com/apk/lib/com.google.ads"

And not forget to take an Internet permission to your manifest.

Hope it helps.

Edit: I'm not sure that this is your problem, but I think it can helps.

like image 31
Zwiebel Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 10:11
