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Domain name classification API [closed]

I need to categorize domains into different categories that offer the best use of a domain name. Like categorizing 'gamez.com' as a gaming portal. Is there any service that offers classification of domain name like Sedo is doing?

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Paige Cherry Avatar asked Mar 29 '12 14:03

Paige Cherry

1 Answers

All the systems that I am aware of manage a list, somewhat by hand.

Using a web-filtering proxies (e.g. WebSense) for inspiration, you could scan for keywords contained in the domain name, or in web content/meta tags at the specified location. However, there are always items that seem to match more than one category, or no category, and these need deeper analysis.

Eventually you end up building your own fairly complex logic, maintaining a list by hand, or buying a list from someone else.

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Rick Berge Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10

Rick Berge