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DOM replaceChild not replacing all specified elements

Consider the following code:

$xml = <<<XML
<region id='thisRegion'></region>
<region id='thatRegion'></region>

$partials['thisRegion'] = "<p>Here's this region</p>";
$partials['thatRegion'] = "<p>Here's that region</p>";
$DOM = new DOMDocument;

$regions = $DOM->getElementsByTagname('region');

foreach( $regions as $region )
    $id = $region->getAttribute('id');
    $partial = $DOM->createDocumentFragment();
    $partial->appendXML( $partials[$id] );
    $region->parentNode->replaceChild($partial, $region);


echo $DOM->saveXML();

The output is:

<p>Here's this region</p>
<region id="thatRegion"/>

I cannot for the life of me figure out why all of the region tags aren't being replaced. This is a problem in my project, and at first I thought that it wasn't replacing elements I appended after the loadXML, but with some experimenting I haven't been able to narrow down the pattern here.

I would appreciate a code correction to allow me to replace all tags in a DOMDocument with a given Element Node. I also wouldn't mind any input into a more efficient/practical way to execute this if I haven't found it.

Thanks in advance!

[edit] PHP 5.3.13

like image 223
tryexceptcontinue Avatar asked Jun 16 '12 22:06


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1 Answers

NodeLists are live. So when you remove an item inside the document, the NodeList also will be modified. Avoid using a reference to the NodeList and start replacing at the last item:

$DOM = new DOMDocument;
$regions = $DOM->getElementsByTagname('region');

$regionsCount = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('region')->length;
for($i= $regionsCount;$i>0;--$i)
    $id = $region->getAttribute('id');
    $partial = $DOM->createDocumentFragment();
    $partial->appendXML( $partials[$id] );
    $region->parentNode->replaceChild($partial, $region);

echo $DOM->saveXML();


like image 79
Dr.Molle Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11
