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DOM is not updating when props value changes in Vuejs

I have a parent and a child. In the parent am passing 3 variables as props to the child. In the Child I am using the watch() to look for varaible changes. When the child is created for the 1st time the watch works as expected but when the data from the props in updated then DOM of the child is not updated. The watch function which is looking for data change of the variable is not running at all.

Here is my code. Its a bit lengthy so please bear with it.



 <button type="button" v-on:click="LoadCatalog()">Click me!! </button>

 <div v-if="displayCategoryList" class="row">
    <h3>Select Category Men</h3>
    <select v-model="menCategory" v-on:change="passDataToChild()">
        <option v-for="item in categoriesfordisplay.men"  v-bind:key="item">
            {{ item }}
    <h3>Select Category Women</h3>
    <select v-model="WomenCategory" v-on:change="passDataToChild()">
        <option v-for="item in categoriesfordisplay.women" v-bind:key="item">
            {{ item }}

 <div v-if="displayData" class="row">

        <div v-for="item in data_to_show_on_mainpage"  v-bind:key="item" >
            <button v-on:click="newfunction(item.cat,item.gender)" >
                <img v-bind:src="item.data.image"> </img>
                <p >{{ item.cat }}</p>


 <category-items v-if="displayCategoryData" v-bind:gender="gender" v-bind:catsgory="catsgory" v-bind:catlog="catlog" ></category-items>


  import axios from 'axios'
  import CategoryItems from './CategoryItems'
   export default {
   name:  'GetCategoryItemsAndDisplayOne',
   props: ['categoriesfordisplay','ismainpage', 'catalogselected'],

    return {
        IsMainPage_1 : "",
        data_to_show_on_mainpage : [],
        cat :[],
        displayData : true,
        menCategory : "",
        WomenCategory : "",
        displayCategoryList: true,
        displayCategoryData : false,
        CategoryFromImage : "",
        //dataSentToChild : {}
        gender : "",
        catsgory : "",
        catlog : ""

        if(this.menCategory != ""){

            this.catsgory = this.menCategory
            this.gender = "men"
            this.catlog = this.catalogselected
            this.menCategory = "" 

        }else if(this.WomenCategory != ""){
            this.catsgory = this.WomenCategory
            this.gender = "women"
            this.catlog = this.catalogselected
            this.WomenCategory = ""
        this.displayData = false
        this.displayCategoryData = true
        this.data_to_show_on_mainpage = []

        let url = "http://localhost:5000/xyz/" + (this.catalogselected).replace(/'/g,"%27") +"/api/"+ (gender) + "/catalogvis/" + (category) +"/items"

            var jsonData = {"data": resp.data.response.Results.results[0] , "cat": category , "gender" : gender}

        .catch(err => {
            console.log("we got an error the url is " + url)


            for(let i =0;i<this.categoriesfordisplay.men_for_display.length;i++){
                let category = this.categoriesfordisplay.men_for_display[i].replace(/"/g,"%27");


            for(let i = 0;i<this.categoriesfordisplay.women_for_display.length;i++){
                let category = this.categoriesfordisplay.women_for_display[i].replace(/"/g,"");


        this.displayCategoryData = false
        this.displayData = true
        this.displayCategoryList = true

        this.displayCategoryData = true
        this.displayData = false
        this.catsgory = Cats
        this.gender = gender
        this.catlog = this.catalogselected






The Child component CategoryItems.vue is below


    <h4>{{ genders }}</h4>
    <h4>{{ category }}</h4>
    <h4>{{ catalogue }}</h4>


export default{
name : 'CategoryItems',
props : ['gender','catsgory','catlog'],

    return {
        genders : "",
        category : "",
        catalogue : "",

watch : {
    category : function(){

    this.genders = this.gender
    this.category = this.catsgory
    this.catalogue = this.catlog

    this.genders = this.gender
    this.category = this.catsgory
    this.catalogue = this.catlog




As You can see whenever the category variable in the child changes the function GetProducts should run but it is not happening. It is executed only when the child component is created.

Where I am going wrong with my logic. Thanks

like image 436
handsomer223 Avatar asked Apr 26 '18 05:04


People also ask

Do Props update Vue?

As long as you're updating a reactive property (props, computed props, and anything in data ), Vue knows to watch for when it changes. All we have to do is update count , and Vue detects this change. It then re-renders our app with the new value!

Does component Rerender when Props change Vue?

If the key stays the same, it won't change the component, but if the key changes, Vue knows that it should get rid of the old component and re-create a new one. Every time that forceRerender is called, our prop componentKey will change.

How do I transfer data from Props to Vue?

To specify the type of prop you want to use in Vue, you will use an object instead of an array. You'll use the name of the property as the key of each property, and the type as the value. If the type of the data passed does not match the prop type, Vue sends an alert (in development mode) in the console with a warning.

How do I pass a prop to a dynamic component?

To pass props dynamically to dynamic component in Vue. js, we can check the current component being rendered in component and pass in the props accordingly. to check the value of currentComponent in the currentProps` computed property. And we return an object with the props we want to pass into the child component .

2 Answers

You are only setting the child component's variable in the created hook, therefor they are not reactive.

The best way is to make a reactive data based on the prop is to create a computed property based on that property :

computed: {
  category: function() {
    return this.catsgory;

This computed will be automatically updated whenever the props changes.

You also can watch the prop directly, and force the watcher to trigger immediately (take a look at the the API).

Your child component's watcher will look like this :

watch : {
  category: {
    handler: function() {
    immediate: true,
like image 74
Thomas Ferro Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 09:11

Thomas Ferro

In my case, If initial props value(array) is undefind, even if props change, render was not fired.

So I changed inital props value to empty array []

Then problem solved.

like image 26
junho Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 09:11
